PRESENT: Norma Empringham, Heather Flint, Ben Howland, Will Jones, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris.
APOLOGIES: Johnnie Morris
1. Trust Deed and Charity Application
The application to the Charity Commission has been sent off. We should have an acknowledgement within 2 weeks and if all goes well should have registration in 2 months.
2. Bank account
The bank account has been opened with Barclays since the Co-op would have taken too long. So far Norma and Gill are signatories. Heather and Tom will be added as soon as possible. Others can be added later if necessary.
3. Treasurer
Tim Flower has been approached by Ben. He is considering the extent of the commitment. It was agreed that if he does take it on he should be invited to become a Trustee. Ben and Gill to liaise and arrange a meeting if appropriate.
4. Brochures
The TAS folder and the Eburru leaflet are with the printers. There was a discussion about how we can hold to the 100% claim as there will be some unavoidable costs eg bank transfer charges. Gill indicated that she will be responsible for the unavoidable administration costs even though that will mean that we cannot claim Gift Aid on that contribution. Some amendments were agreed to the text of the leaflets to indicate that we will pass on 100% of the donations we receive. It was agreed that the 100% claim is attractive to donors and we should hold on to it.
We are printing 200 TAS leaflets and 400 for Eburru. These will be distributed to trustees. Gill will take some of the Eburru ones out to Kenya next week.
5. Update on local trusts
Bishangari- Will is in touch with Ecolodge, the company running the Bishangari Lodge, who can provide the contacts and expertise to help set up the local trust. Around £4k is sitting in a Journeys by Design account in Addis Ababa ready to be transferred to the local Bishangari trust when it is established.
Eburru Secondary School Trust - There is a meeting of this trust on 7 Feb which Gill will attend. She will also meet the MD of Heritage Hotels and discuss the text to go into the hotel marketing leaflets.
Green Park - Gill will try to progress the trust for the early years centre when she goes out in February.
Asako - Gill will try to get up to see the school and investigate a trust in February.
6. Fund raising
Heather has shown the pix in Waldegrave School. The pupils fundraise throughout the year and this term's proceeds will be dontated to TAS. Heather has asked that anyone wanting to give something towards a leaving present should make a donation to TAS instead.
Norma has asked that her leaving presents should be special children's books which she will donate to Green Park.
Kew Riverside School are planning some fund raising for Green Park.
Other schools to be approached - Wellington (Will), Grey Court (Gill/Tom), Kings Wimbledon (Ben).
Ben plans to run a marathon next year and Best Invest will match any money he raises.
Will is involved with the Times Travel Section who may sponsor some responsible tourism projects.
Norma will investigate a link with Fujitsu - her daughter and son-in-law both work for the company.
Luke will put TAS forward as a possible charity for support by Macfarlanes.
Gill will pursue Heritage Hotels in Kenya and will send out brochures to friends and relatives once TAS is registered as a charity.
7. Website
Tom has secured the web address: www.trustsforafricanschools.org . The site will be active in a few weeks. Gill will write 50 words or so as an introduction.
8. Project Management Systems
This will be discussed at the next meeting.
9. Computers
Computer Aid International will provide and transport computers for £39 per item once we are a registered charity.
10. Donation forms
Gill and Tom will liaise to produce a suitable form for inclusion in the brochures.
11. Next meeting
This was arranged for 6.45pm Wednesday 29 March 2006 at the House of Commons
2 Marchmont Gdns
TW10 6ET
Tel: 020 8940 0911