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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Meeting Minute.

Place: Langano School, Kimphe

Meeting chaired by School principal

Time of meeting: 8:40-12:30


1.       Safawo Balcha------------------- Chairperson of School Committee

2.       Butta Badesso------------------- member

3.       Gebre Bashenu-----------------member

4.       Shalo Kufa------------------------member

5.       Lalise Totoba- -------------------member

6.       Gadise Wolde---------------------member

7.       Shanxii Gada----------------------Finance of school Committee

8.       Husen H/A Qadir------------------member

9.       Shuguti Jamjamo----------------member

Points Arising:

1.       Appointing/selecting Local Trust Group for TAS


It is well known that the existence of our school is because of the support we have been getting for sponsor via TAS coordination and we are so thankful for the support we have been receiving. it is also well known that we had been receiving support via coordination done by formal committee formed at school.  We found that the committee which was appointed years back is so poor in coordinating and working closely with school and malfunctioning. Not only this, also the major problems we have been facing are the followings:

1.       The committee has been not transparent to the school and community.

2.       The committee has been asked about bank statement and never been willing to show us and told us it was not school’s responsibility to know.

3.       Since day committee was formed, we had no meeting at school

4.       The school committee, school, and any concerned body do not know where the cheque to pay teachers and supposed to be paid directly to teacher’s account. Hence on this day, we made decision to change the existing committee and substitute them with new committee as following are the member of Local Trust Group for Kimphe Langano Area Self-Help group(KLASHG)

1.       Mr. Dado Dabela ------------- school Principal

2.       Mr. Safawo Balcha------------- Charperson of the school Committee

3.       Mr. Haji Hamdino-------------Village Chairperson

4.       Mr. Lolo Nagawo------------- School Supervisor

5.       Mr.Juji Takako----------------Representative from Local Educational Bureau

6.       Mr. Girma Waritu------------ Representative from  other Village

7.       MRs. Lalise Totoba---------- Teacher representative.

The  above individuals are vote with full agreement( see on the original the signature of all participants)