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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Loldia Primary School Trust : Board of Trustees meeting:  February 17th 2015

Present: Kennedy Kariuki (HT: chair) , Joan Dickie ( TAS secretary), Maria Muriu ( Rubi Ranch), Diana Low ( Maradju Farm) , Hellen Macharia (Mara Farming), Emily Vulimu (parent) , Samuel Gitaka (parent).                          James Ndinguri (senior teacher)



Future Action


Apologies. Simon Losokon (Rocco), Caroline Andisi (Loldia) Grace Mongina ( Bilashaka)



The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved



Bank account update. JD explained that a legal contact in Nairobi had been helping with this and that the appropriate Land Registry stamp had been obtained. There was still a short delay but hopefully the Stanbic Bank would be able to open the account before the end of February

KK would obtain bank account details of the 6 teachers to be paid by TAS in 2015 so that standing orders could be set up


GIZ funding: KK explained about the James Njeru, GIZ visit : to look for European funding for rain harvesting and water tank improvements / drinking water taps. Trustees agreed this sounded optimistic and so a water harvesting project would not be a TAS project for 2015

See GIZ attachment.

KK and JN explained that some borehole water was now accessing two over-head tanks but there were concerns about cracked tanks etc. MM involved in the discussion about ‘ploughed up water pipes’ and will look into this.

KK and JN to continue to acquire costings for the classroom guttering project and give these to the Naivasha LANAWRUA office together with the GIZ visit report

KK to talk to local farms re water tanks, underground pipes etc. MM (Rubi Ranch) already aware…leading to working with James Njeru to apply for matched funding from GIZ


Tenders received and costings for TAS projects

5.1   Classroom display boards:

DL explained that two European contacts: one through Bette Hopcraft ( 6 boards) and one through Diana ( remaining boards) would hopefully provide enough funding (@ 900 Euro) to cover the cost of 2 x 8’ x 4’ noticeboards (softboard + wooden edging) in 25 classrooms. Therefore: no need for TAS funding


5.2 Desks and chairs: See attached sheet with numbers needed plus outline costings. Due to school expansion and a big desk shortfall last year there are still a huge number of desks and chairs needed. KK expressed that his greatest concern was the state of the toilet blocks. He would prefer to use TAS funding for these and any remaining funds could go towards desks. Trustees were surprised at the cost of bench desks (13000KES) this quote is from Comboni Polytechnic who have been a preferred supplier due to quality of work in previous desk purchases.  Trustees agreed to look at the other proposals before deciding on the desks issue . See end of paragraph 5.4


5.2    School fencing: two quotes were received for fencing two sides of the playing field. One side borders on Kasarani village and has several places where animals (donkeys, dogs etc) and people can get through onto the school premises. This is a safety and security hazard. NB the school had a serious issue last year with villagers coming on to the property uninvited. Both quotes had been readjusted to allow for the fence along the main road side to be inside the existing cactus hedge as the (eventual) new main road might be widened and take up some of this land. The new fence should be placed well inside so would not be affected by new road.

Quote 1: Josephat Mbugua ( Green Park: an experienced fencer) : 176,000

Quote 2: Philip Kamau : builder and parent: 130,000 ( less experienced fencer)

DL and other trustees felt that the extra cost of quote 1 would be worthwhile to get a fence that would last. Trustees felt this project should be presented to TAS to be funded by future donations and not to use existing LSF/TAS funds


6         5.4  Renovating toilet blocks for older pupils. The trustees accepted KK’s and JN’s opinions that this is currently, the school’s most pressing need. As this is a renovation project it caused some problems in getting matching quotes as slightly different things were quoted for. JD, DL and KK have learnt some lessons from this! It was also agreed that metal doors had disadvantages as well as advantages: eg damage by urine. Metal doors are twice the price of wooden doors. It was agreed that any new wooden doors should be specified to use good wood that wouldn’t warp. DL asked if we could be certain that these new doors would not be quickly broken too. KK/JN explained that some of the missing doors had been stolen: when the school property is properly fenced this should not happen. Also there will be a new system of locking doors and educating pupils to care for the renovated blocks.

7         Trustees agreed to use the clearest quote from Francis Ngigi as a ‘blank’ format but to include a specification for good wood on the 13 new doors required. Other doors would be renovated.


9         NB Francis’ quote was for : 522,116 KES ( including VAT of @70K) but he forgot to quote for 13 new doors @ about 2,500 each

Trustees agreed that three contractors ( Kamau, Ngigi and Mbugua) will be asked to re-quote using the same format. Deadline Feb 24th.

All three quotes will be sent to trustees to agree on contractor

1.       Display boards: DL to work with Bette H in taking this forward


2.       Desks and chairs

DL to return to Comboni for a re. quote, Feb 19th DL got a re-quote for bench desks of 11000


KK will let JD know the key priorities for desks that can’t be funded by current LSF/TAS funds. These will be proposed to TAS as ‘looking for funding’


3.       School fencing

This project will be proposed to TAS ( JD) in early March … for future donations

JD will explain to Josephat that his quote was accepted but the project would need to wait for future donations.












Toilet blocks

JD to send blank formats to three named contractors by Feb 20th (done) and send those quotes to trustees by email by Feb 25th to agree on which contractor to work with


DESKS: the trustees agreed to ask for the toilet block to be a priority for existing TAS funds and to use remaining funds to purchase the most needed desks as agreed by KK.


JD to complete TAS project proposal forms and send to TAS by end of February


Girls / women project JD and DL outlined a project proposed by a previous visitor to the school who has raised some money (match funded by her company) She wants this project tohelp women and children eg building a special room/safe area for girls. DL asked who would organise this.The trustees were not sure where this could be built or if there would be sufficient funds. KK implied that a government school couldn’t necessarily add a building for this purpose. KK agreed that the school had identifiable ‘vulnerable older girls’ who were in need of, eg school uniform and sanitary towels etc. KK said there were female members of staff who oversaw this type of social education.

There was not enough time in the meeting to fully discuss this. The trustees felt they needed clearer guidance as to how the donors wished this money to be spent.  JD and DL said they would feedback to the ‘donors’ the meeting’s outline ideas (school uniform, sanitary towels etc.) JD suggests that a separate meeting needs to be convened with senior female members of staff: this could include at least one female member of the board of trustees (NB JD away March to mid-May)




AOB : none

Date of next meeting: Tuesday May 12th: 15.00 at the school . This meeting will hear progress of all above projects  Meeting closed: 17.15h