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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Madogo Waldegrave Partnership

Minutes of Meeting 8 June 2015

Present: Gill Marshall-Andrews (TAS); Stephen Kameti (TAS Representative in Kenya); Nicole Davies; Chip Chippendale(Assistant Head in charge of Charity); Nicole Bechirian and Caroline Croll

Minute taker: C. Croll


The purpose of the meeting was to renew Waldegrave’s partnership with Madogo School. Waldegrave had had a successful partnership which had lapsed in the last 2-3 years. Stephen was able to meet us on his visit to the UK.


Gill updated us on the current situation of Madogo School:

The new Head Teacher is Mr Maina, who Nicole, Nic and Caroline met when they went out on an exchange. This is very positive news as he is keen to renew the partnership. Rosania is also still there, who came on the first exchange to the UK.


Chip was present because she is keen to deepen the impact of charity fund-raising in school.


The school has made progress in many areas: they have built a library and areas where students may study; students now gain places at university; the ratio of girls to boys is now 50% and a fence has been built around the school compound.


However, there are no books to put in the lovely new building – and this would be an obvious way of developing the partnership: raising funds for books.

A slogan ‘Reading for Success’ was put forward.


Other areas suggested:

·         Literacy

·         Girls’ education

·         Student voice/council (was controversial last time)

·         Community engagement

·         BookWeek

·         Linking Madogo to Frog

·         Sustainability

·         Curriculum links



1.      Gill to email Mr Maina to recreate the partnership link

2.      Chip to establish link and make a plan for Waldegrave next year:

as part of Charity (Prefects); Student Council (TP); and Y8 PDC (SM)

3.      Chip to see CCR re. creating a Frog page and logins.