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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Meeting to explore a partnership between Mitamisyi Secondary School and TAS  held in the school staff room on 27 August 2015

Members present:

Mr Nzughu -Principal

Mr Manzi - Ward administrator

Mr Simon Mwasya - Member

Mr Kameti - TAS / KWS co-ordinator

Mr Ndoo-  Member

Mr Kimaku - Member

Mrs Angeline Munyiju - Member

Mr Sammy Mutemi  -Chief

Apologies:  Mrs Ngesu - Chair


The meeting started with a word of prayer from Mr Kimaku Joel Vundi at 4.15pm.


Immediately after the prayer the panel went straight to the session of introduction of members.

TAS partnership

The Principal welcomed Mr Kameti who explained to the members the terms of engagement of TAS.  That TAS works in conjunction with the local champions of education.  Mr Kameti took members through the details of the composition of the panel constituting the Committee which would include:


Rep of the Board of Management

Teacher rep

Student rep

Community champions / professionals




Ward Administrator


Secretary / Treasurer – a professional

Members were informed that TAS principle and procedures of working is based on the approach of simple to complex.

On the contribution of members the meeting saw the need to expose students to as much as possible to open up and be able to think out of the box.

Members were also advised to come up with innovative programmes that will easily draw the attention of the support.

The team had agreed unanimously to have Mrs Ngesu to be the chairperson of the committee.

The team also agreed to have Mrs Harriet Matsaert to be their secretary and treasurer.

Members agreed to communicate through email where need be from time to time.

There being no other business the meeting came to an end at 6pm with a word of prayer from Mr Kimaku.


Joseph Muthengi Nzughu
