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Minutes from Trustees Meeting







ON   31 OCTOBER 2015




Sarah Ngesu  University lecturer  Chairlady

Joseph Nzughu  Headteacher Secretary

Joel Vundi Kimaku  Teacher

Aurelia Mueni Muneeni  Teacher

Joseph K Manzi  Ward Administrator and former teacher

Acothy M Ndoo  Community development worker and farmer

Simon Mwasya Parent

Samuel Mutemi


In attendance:

Stephen Kameti  KWS/TAS co-ordinator

Gill Marshall-Andrews  Secretary TAS


 Welcome and introductions

Stephen Kameti introduced those present and welcomed them to the meeting.


 Trust Deed

SK read through the Trust Deed which all present duly signed to certify their understanding and agreement and willingness to serve as trustees.


 Election of Chair

Trustees elected Sarah Ngesu  to Chair the trust meetings for the next year. 


Election of Secretary

Trustees elected Joseph Nzughu as the Secretary of the trust with the duties as outlined in the TAS Guide.


Nomination of Treasurer

Trustees elected  Hellen Ndeti as the Treasurer of the trust with duties as outlined in the TAS Guide, particularly as the sole signatory on the bank account.



Bank Account

Trustees agreed that a trust bank account be set up at Chase Bank in Nairobi.


Future meetings

It was agreed that the trust should meet every school term to receive an update on school affairs from the headteacher and consider proposals for funding.  Stephen Kameti will assist in convening the meetings as TAS representative.




School leaflet

Gill Marshall-Andrews undertook to produce a leaflet for the school trust.  The text will be available for the next meeting.


Minutes agreed and signed by:


 Sarah Ngesu 

Joseph Nzughu 

Joel Vundi Kimaku 

Aurelia Mueni Muneeni 

Joseph K Manzi 

Acothy M Ndoo

Simon Mwasya Samuel Mutemi



NB Original signed document is with the Secretary.