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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Loldia Primary School Trust : Board of Trustees meeting:  Jan 19th 2016

Present: Joan Dickie ( TAS secretary), Diana Low ( Maradju Farm), Kennedy Kariuki (HT: chair), Grace Mongina ( Bilashaka), Caroline Andisi ( Loldia), James Ndinguri (senior teacher)



Notes/Future Action


Apologies. Simon Losokon (Rocco), Maria Muriu ( Rubi Ranch), Samuel Gitaka (parent), Emily Vulimu (parent)



The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Matters arising: several issues in the last minutes have their own slot on today’s agenda.



School report:

KK reported that there are now 2002 pupils enrolled in 2016 in 25 classes

·         14 teachers are currently paid by the government.

·         TAS is supporting 6 teachers for 2016 (with a raised salary of 10,000K)

·         The number of teachers paid by Rubi Ranch will be confirmed by MM

KK reported good KCPE results:

·         190 pupils sat the 2015 exam.

·         15 pupils(8%)= over 350 marks, 35 (18%) =300-349; 56 (30%) =250-299.

·         The mean score was 262.047 (2014 mean= 260.34).

·         Loldia was 26th school in the sub-county (private and public schools) and 9th (13th in 2014) compared to only public schools

MM to confirm teacher support for 2016, with KK



Mitumba update: 36,500KES was raised for the new gates for the back entrance to the school. The gates have been made. This amount pays for the gates but not the pillars. Two quotes were received for pillars: 25K (including painting gates) and 18K (no painting). DL has a £100 (14,000KES) donation which can be used for pillars. It was suggested that the school could buy paint and ask the caretaker to paint the gates. The shortfall of about 4000 KES will be found from other small donations.

The trustees discussed whether the school/PTA could use the unsold mitumba in a 2nd sale in Kasarani but several difficulties were raised. It was decided to give leftover mitumba to charity ( orphanage)

DL and KK to liaise about building the pillars

JD and DL to liaise over left over Mitumba



Desk repair updates

Using about half the 60,000 KES approved by TAS: 163 locker desks have been repaired and over 200 chairs.  The remaining repairs money will be used to repair further lockers, chairs and bench desks: KK to confirm numbers of repairs and costs with DL

The trustees agreed to try and complete the desk requirements for 2016/17 through repairs and further purchases (see item 13)

KK will have firm figures of further ‘ desk’ repairs carried out or needing to be done by the end of Feb meeting.


Older girls VIP toilets

These toilets will be completed by Jan 22nd. A small change had to be made to the siting of the basins but the site manager was present earlier in the afternoon of this meeting and a solution found. Concrete basins were also agreed on over ceramic. Trustees were initially surprised to see mabati ( anti rust/pre-treated corrugated iron) used for walls but realised this was in the plans and was one of the reasons the quote was so reasonable. All thought the doors looked very strong. All were pleased with the addition of rainwater harvesting water for washbasins and a disabled toilet cubicle. The project has been completed to budget. A completion report will be written and sent to TAS and the LSF fundraisers

JD to liaise with building company over final payment


TAS projects approved for early 2016

JD reported that TAS had approved the following projects in Dec 2015:

1.        To pay salaries for 6 teachers until Dec 2016: raised from 8 to 10,000/month

2.        Renovating existing older girls’ toilets

3.        Concreting the fence base around the field

Note: the fence base quote had been misleading and didn’t include labour: TAS money has been received for only 2/3rds cost. Trustees agreed to ask the contracter to concrete 2/3rds of the fence starting at the most vulnerable end nearest the village

JD to set up standing orders for 6 teaches at bank ( done Jan 23rd)

JD to contact Felix re older girls’ toilet renovation project over Easter holidays

JD to contact fence contractor to concrete 2/3 of fence. 



Friends of Green Park (FoGP)

DL explained that the ‘Friends of Green Park’ (Susan Karera is secretary) are a fund raising group based in Nairobi with links to Green Park. They have previously generously supported the GP nursery school and now wish to help Loldia Primary, in particular with building projects. Some FoGP members visited Loldia School on Dec 23rd with DL and KK and discussed several projects including : improving classroom floors; piping water from World Bank kiosk to handbasins; building new upper school classrooms to accommodate increasing school numbers. The FoGP have asked for written proposals for projects

DL to write to FoGP with a written proposal outlining potential projects ( done: Jan 20th)


Concreting crumbling classroom floors?

This was proposed as a TAS project in Nov 2015 but JD had such varying quotes that it did not go forward to TAS. The trustees hope this project may now be supported by the FoGP (item 8)

GM reported that Bilashaka will support the concreting of several classroom floors (the minutes didn’t mention how many?)as part of their Fairtrade projects. The trustees send their thanks to Bilashaka.

JD to confirm with GM how many classroom floors can be repaired by Bilashaka Fairtrade funds


Football boots

This project ( costed at 33,000KES: 11 pairs@3000) was to be funded by a Zumba fundraising event in Feb but that has been postponed until May

JD will think how to find these funds earlier than May.



Water tanks close to Rubi Ranch

JN reported that discussions had begun but nothing certain was known: will defer to Feb meeting and an update from MM

MM to give update on water tanks in February



Two have been made by Colourcrops. KK and JN asked for them to be brought to the school. The school would arrange for pits to be dug. DL queried whether a fence would be needed. JN thought not as they would be used after pupils had gone home

DL to liaise with KK/JN and Colourcrops to bring incinerators to school


New projects for 2016?

·         Lower School Rainwater harvesting? One quote of 469K received.

·         More desks and chairs?: KK/JN to confirm numbers at Feb meeting

·         Watchman’s hut? KK/JN to confirm dimensions for Feb meeting

·         New ideas? JD made a strong pleas for new ideas to come from teachers/ BOM/ parents in time for next meeting

JD: get more rainwater quotes

KK/JN: get firm extra desk numbers

KK/JN: Decide on watchman hut dimensions and get 2 quotes



HM asked if there could be extra trustees? She had an employee ( HR?) of Colourcrops in mind

KK requested that all info about visits ( eg contractors) to the school are always copied to him



Date of next meeting: Tuesday Feb 29th: 15.00h

Meeting is quite soon as JD is returning to UK for @ 8 weeks and proposals for next Easter-time TAS meeting need to be decided