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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Loldia Primary School Trust : Board of Trustees meeting:  March 1st 2016

Present: Joan Dickie ( TAS secretary), Diana Low ( Maradju Farm), Kennedy Kariuki (HT: chair), Grace Mongina ( Bilashaka),  Samuel Gitaka (parent), Emily Vulimu (parent)



Notes/Future Action



Apologies. Caroline Andisi ( Loldia) Simon Losokon (Rocco), Maria Muriu ( Rubi Ranch), James Ndinguri (senior teacher)



The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Matters arising: several issues in the last minutes have their own slot on today’s agenda.


·         Desk repair updates: the trustees agreed that new 2016 proposals should continue to support the school in getting enough locker desks for Y678and bench desks for the lower school. See table below

·         The repairs of existing desks are funded and ongoing

·         Lockers and chairs are the priority and there is still a shortfall of 170 when looking at predicted Y6,7,8 numbers for 2017

·         Comboni Polytechnic, Gilgil have produced good strong desks and chairs but, at 7000K for the pair : this is very expensive : 170 x 7=1,190,000 KES

·         JD suggested separate wall lockers and tables as in UK schools but it was thought there would not be classroom space for these

·         SG asked if rubbers could go on the bottom of chairs but KK said they would be ‘taken’ by pupils

Bench desks repaired

Bench desks still needed

Lockers repaired

Locker desks still needed

Chairs repaired

Chairs still needed








GM and KK will make enquiries about costs of cheaper locker and chair combinations.


A proposal will be put to TAS in April for more desks and chairs but hopefully at a cheaper price

Mid April at latest ready for next TAs meeting



Update on teacher salaries: AlsoSee Jan 19th minutes. Of the 35 teachers at Loldia: 14 are paid by the government. KK says the ministry is aware of the acute shortage of government teachers at the school. TAS pays for 6 teachers and, for the last 12 + months, 3 x 5 teachers have been paid by 3 branches of Rubi Ranch. Unfortunately, due to a bad harvest, one branch of the farm can no longer pay for 5 teachers as from Feb 2016. A generous private donation covered the Feb 2016 salary. KK has spoken to the SMC/BoM and there will be a meeting with parents on March 11th to discuss these 5 teachers’ salaries being paid by parents (@130KEs per term/ child)

GM said that parents need to be told the real situation for this and subsequent years. The township of Kasarani has been known to harbour untrue rumours (KK mentioned ‘cheap politics’) in particular about overseas donations. KK said that some schools in Naivasha are overstaffed and out of town schools are more likely to be understaffed

KK to report back to trustees after March 11th meeting with parents

After March 11th



Update on incinerators (donated by Colourcrops)These were delivered and installed but apparently not in the required 2m square pits! JN ( Not present) had said to DL he would get older boys to dig the pits. DL is anxious this is carried out soon so she can report back to the donors

JN to oversee pit digging as soon as possible and DL to follow up and photograph

As soon as possible


Update on Friends of Green Park (FoGP) DL explained that she, JD and KK had been invited to meet this group who had previously been generous donors to the Green Park nursery but now realised that Loldia Pr had greater needs. They are most keen to support infrastructure projects . through Nairobi/local based fund raising and materials from suppliers.They are already talking to the new road company about repairing the collapsed entrance gate road and also about a bus for GP pupils. As requested at the meeting, JD DL and KK drafted and wrote a proposal to FoGP  with funding ideas: concrete floor repairs:to bring water from the new World bank kiosk to toilets for handwashing and drinking and even a whole school drinking and handwashing water project. HOWEVER Dl has still not heard back from them about which projects they may support

DL to remain in contact with FoGP to know more about their funding plans to support Loldia Primary



Update on concreting classroom floors. GM explained that Francis ( Bilashaka) is due to visit the school next week with Fairtrade committee members to quote for x concrete floors to be paid for with Fairtrade money. TAS  will ask Francis to quote for ALL floor repairs : Bilashaka Fairtrade to pay for some and …hopefully FoGP ( see item 6) to pay for the rest

GM to follow this up with Bilashaka and KK. KK to keep DL informed so she can discuss floor costings with FoGP



Update on Concreting fence base JD had made an error withteh quote and asked TAs for 60K when 90 K was needed ( labour had been omitted : see Jan minutes) JD had spoken to fencer Josephat about doing 2/3rds of fence. He prefers to wait until all funding is approved and do the complete job

JD to propose an extra 30K for fence concreting to TAS at Easter meeting



New projects for April/May TAS meeting?

·         Lower School Rainwater harvesting? One quote of 469K received.

Should this project be left until we discover whether FoGP may fund this?

·         Watchman’s hut? KK/JN to confirm dimensions for Feb meeting. This hasn’t been done but will be done: SG asked to find 2 quotes

·         Painting classrooms: KK said this hadn’t been done for 6 years: SG/KK asked to provide 2 quotes for classrooms and teachers’ staffroom and offices

·         Replacing very old mabati on classroom roofs( upper school) SG/KK asked to provide two quotes

·         Textbooks: KK said there were some subjects where the text book supply was very old or low in number. JD asked him to prepare a document saying what the school needed

SG/KK asked to find 2 quotes for :

1.        Watchman’s hut

2.        Classroom painting

3.        Mabati


KK to prepare a document about the school’s need for new textbooks: titles: year groups: numbers and costs.


We would then put in proposals to TAS for these projects


Early April in time for JD to write proposals


AOB:  Felix’ company is due to begin renovating the girls’ toilet block over the Easter holidays. JD will be in the UK. JD will write to Felix and Isaac ( site manager) so they coordinate clearly with KK about when they will visit the school/begin the project/let KK discuss quality of work expected etc. DL has cheques to pay 50% at start and rest on completion

Trustees wished JD good luck for the marathon on April 24th

JD to write immediately to Felix/ Isaac : completed



Date of next meeting: Tuesday May 10th 2016

JD note: TAS meeting is May 9th: so we will know what projects have been approved