Minutes of the meeting at Asako Primary School Trust held on 12 September 2006
- Welcome and introductions
Ø Members present were:
Gill Marshall Andrews - GMA
Ismail Fodho - IF
Juma Ali Dido - JAD
Kulisa Shora Dirkicha - KSD
Kenneth Jihoh Bonaya - KJB
Lissa Campbell - LC
Mike Harries - MH
Norma Empringham - NE
Ruth Ndauwa (PA to Anthony Gross who was unable to attend) - RN
Tony Fitzjohn - TF
- Trust Deed
Ø This was read through and explained to all present. It was emphasized that 100% of the money raised will go to the school and it is only to be used for the benefit of the children at the school – it is not for community projects, livestock etc but it can include accommodation for the teachers.
- Signing of Trust Deed
Ø All Trustees present signed the document which was witnessed by RN.
Ø Copies of the document will be given to each trustee at the next meeting.
- The Officers were elected as follows:
Ø Chairman – Juma Ali Dido
Ø Treasurer – Anthony Gross (to be confirmed)
Ø Secretary – Lissa Campbell
- Bank Account and Signatories
Ø A bank account is to be set up in Nairobi and AG and LC are to be signatories.
Ø AG to suggest a suitable bank.
- Brochure
Ø GMA will produce a draft of the brochure which will promote the trust and be used to raise funds.
Ø The brochures for both Eburru Secondary School Trust and Green Park Trust were shown round to give examples of the type of brochure that will be produced.
Ø The draft brochure will be presented at the next meeting for the approval of all trustees.
- The Role of TAS
Ø It was established in December 2005 with the aim of initially supporting 4 schools and have individual trusts set up for these schools by the end of 2006. Again the point was made that 100% of the money raised would go direct to the schools and examples were given of the needs identified by Eburru SS: namely, extra teachers, rainwater collection, cookers, books, curriculum resources and renovations to the building.
- Funding Proposals
Ø The form that the Board of Governors will complete was discussed and explained. The necessity of prioritising needs was emphasized.
Ø It was suggested that at least 3 tenders be sought for any work and if possible examples of the work to be shown at a following meeting: e.g. if desks are needed, 3 desks to be made for the person nominated by the BofG to evaluate. It was advised that the best value was needed, not necessarily the cheapest tender as it was more important to have desks that would last many years. Tony offered to evaluate any work done if the BofG wished him to.
Ø It was suggested that the BofG complete 2 or 3 forms by the next meeting. Several copies of the forms were left with KJB.
- Project Management
Ø The applications for funding are to go on the website so it is important to be clear about what the needs are.
Ø Minutes of the meetings to go on the website to ensure openness and transparency.
- Communications
Ø JAD has set up an email address already. He can access it at Garissa which is 110kms away and costs 300ksh to reach by KWS car which goes there most days depending on the rains.
Ø The need for comms in the village was agreed on and it is hoped that this will be achieved within a year. Safaricom and Vodafone to be approached.
Ø TF asked that the airstrip be properly maintained.
Ø The possibility of having VHF comms with Garissa was broached but there may be a problem of needing separate licenses and there would have to be someone based in Garissa to man the radio there.
- Actions
Ø During the meeting it was discovered that the pre-primary teacher Bare Hassan was no longer working at the school. He had been paid 3000ksh by the local community but they had just stopped paying him so he had left. TF donated 3000ksh during the meeting and gave it to IF and asked that Bare be found and that he recommence teaching asap. His salary after that to be paid by the trust.
Ø KJB will log the meeting with the School Management Committee (SMC) who are also known as the Board of Governors.
Ø KSD to inform the community about the action regarding Bare Hassan.
Ø JAD to explain to the children about TAS, to establish comms with LC and to amend his email address to Asako Primary School Trust.
Ø IF to find and pay Bare Hassan. He will also discuss with the BofG about what is needed for the school and will complete the funding forms which he will bring to the next meeting.
Ø GMA to prepare the draft brochure and email it to LC to check for accuracy and comments. And to develop the website
Ø MH to contact Telkom re comms for Asako. He also made the suggestion that it was imperative to keep parents involved with the school so that they have a sense of ownership.
Ø LC to liase with all trustees; to send the Minutes of the Meeting to GMA and to assist with the brochure.
Ø RN to ask AG to be Treasurer and to open a bank account.
Ø NE to hold the next meeting of TAS in the UK and tell everyone at the meeting about Asako.
Ø TF to contact Michael Joseph at Vodafone re comms for Asako. Unrelated to Asako but working with JAD, TF will be working on setting up a permanent presence of old employees at George Adamson’s Camp to help renovate it, build a small museum and boost the local economy by providing employment and encouraging tourism.
- Future meetings
Ø These will aim to be on the first Wednesday of every month.
Ø The trust will fund one flight a month to Asako and this will be reviewed in 6 months time.
Ø The next meeting to be held however on Wednesday 11 October.