Notes of a meeting on 5 April 2016 at Kaseluni Primary School.
Present:Mutie Mwangangi Headteacher and ChairmanChristine Munyoki ECD teacher and SecretaryPaul ManziDavid Kinyumu Area Chief
There was a discussion about the difference between a staff meeting of the school and a trust meeting. It is evident that there has been a misunderstanding about this. The trustees had not met as a group to discuss the toilet project now completed or prepared any tenders for further projects.The staff meeting had identified sports equipment as a priority for the school and this may be considered by TAS when a proper application has been prepared.The Area Chief joined the meeting and promised to activate the trust and ensure that proper proposals were prepared. As the school has only mud classrooms it would seem likely that one of the main priorities would be to address this need.