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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present: Norma Empringham, Guy Cowley,  Ben Howland, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris,  Ben Taylor Tom Marshall-Andrews (on the phone)  

Apologies: Lissa Campbell, Will Jones, Steve James,  Johnnie Morris,

1.Minutes of meeting on 9 December 2015 were agreed.

2.  Schools update

GMA reported on her recent visit to ten of the schools. Detailed notes are on the website.

The film company Cultural Media based in Nairobi accompanied her and Stephen Kameti for 3 days to record material for a short movie to celebrate TAS’ tenth anniversary.  This has been very generously funded by Journeys by Design.

The first projects at the 4 new schools were all completed satisfactorily.  The quality seems good and the schools are pleased with the outcome.

The next projects were discussed, namely girls dormitories at Mitamysi and Jarajara, toilets and educational trips  at El Rar, and a trip at Kaseluni.  The latter school was the only one not to have undertaken any proper planning of projects despite having a great need for permanent classrooms.

At Eburru Primary School the new classroom block is nearly finished and it was agreed with the new secretary that a period of consolidation  and repair- and cleaning – was necessary before the next classrooms are undertaken.

Similarly at Loldia, some painting and small projects are necessary before the next major building work is undertaken.


3.  Finance

While GMA was in Kenya in April Chase Bank went into receivership.  As there are 10 school trust accounts with the bank this was a cause of great concern.  Within a few days it was announced that Kenya Commercial Bank was to take a majority shareholding of Chase and no-one would lose any money.  As KCB is the second largest bank in Kenya trustees agreed that we should keep the accounts with Chase but ensure that larger sums for big projects should be transferred in stages to limit our exposure.

On May 10th it is expected that the bank will open again for normal activity.  Trustees will be kept in touch with the situation on the ground.

There was a discussion about payment for bank charges in Kenya.  As we pay trusts the exact tender sum in shillings there is sometimes insufficient to cover the bank charges.  It was agreed that in future we will round up the sums sent to cover these.

4.  Proposals for funding

The list of projects for funding was discussed and agreed.  A total of around £39k will be sent; some of it will be delayed until more details are received.  The bigger projects include 2 girls dormitories.  It was noted that Lissa Campbell looks at, and comments on, all the proposals as she puts them onto the website.  Her experience in comparing costs and getting proper detail is invaluable.

5.  Educational trips

It was agreed that there should be a requirement for educational trips to be followed up by feedback from the school and students.  Trustees wanted evidence that they are of benefit to students and teachers.  GMA and Stephen Kameti will progress this and possibly offer a prize to the student who writes the best report on a trip.  It may also be possible to give the school a disposable camera to record the trip.  Also, we need to be sure that the buses have appropriate insurance.

6. Marathon 2016

Joan Dickie very sadly injured her leg just before the race so was unable to run.  She has deferred her place till next year.  GMA will confirm this with Virgin.  The funds raised so far by Joan are around £2k.

7.  TAS Tenth anniversary celebration Tuesday 12 July 2016 at the Vista, 9th floor, E&Y 1 More London.

The invitations have gone out for this event.  At least 3 people will be coming from Kenya – Stephen Kameti, Hellen Ndeti, and John Ngoru.  The former VP is still a possibility but he has not confirmed.  The Kenya HC will be contacted.  Trustees will forward invitations to people they feel would be interested.  The cost is £12 per head and trustees agreed to contribute to this once Ben (T) is clear how the bill is to be paid.

There are 2 big screens on which we can show a loop of photos and the film.  The programme will be  determined nearer the time. 

There was a discussion about an auction to include the safari Will has generously agreed to offer.  Trustees thought that a total of 10 items would be good and they will all try to think of suitable things.

 8.  Next meeting   Many thanks to Luke for the meeting room and refreshments at Great Queen Street.

The next meeting will be on Monday 3 October 5.30 pm at  Ben (H)’s office 6 Kingley Street.