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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Loldia Primary School Trust : Board of Trustees meeting:  May 16th 2016

Present: Joan Dickie ( TAS secretary), Diana Low ( Maradju Farm), Kennedy Kariuki (HT: chair), Grace Mongina ( Bilashaka),  James Ndinguri (senior teacher)



Notes/Future Action



Apologies. Caroline Andisi ( Loldia) Simon Losokon (Rocco), Maria Muriu ( Rubi Ranch), Samuel Gitaka (parent), Emily Vulimu (parent)



The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved

Matters arising: several issues in the last minutes have their own slot on today’s agenda.


JD future as secretary

JD reported that, very sadly, she and her husband are leaving Naivasha as his work contract has finished. She and DL are looking for another local person to take over the TAS secretary role including being a cheque book signatory and sending minutes and project proposals to TAS. DL kindly gave JD a card and present on behalf of the trustees


KK gave a school report including:

1.        1940 pupils in attendance today: still more pupils arriving looking for school places

2.        The Boys’ netball team were placed 3rd in the NATIONAL competition: excellent news for the school

3. The trustees agreed to use a donation DL had received to buy a gift for the netball players to be presented in front of the whole school. JD to make enquiries  

3. By end of May

3.        The 5 teacher salaries (paid until Jan 2016 by Rubi farms) remains a difficult and ongoing issue. KK asked parents for contributions in March and April 2016 and donations received did not cover the complete cost of the salaries. Comments were shared that Kasarani parents are not used to paying for teacher salaries as overseas donations have been very generous over the years. JD and DL stressed that the preferred option was not to use available 2017 funds for 6 salaries as in 2015 and 2016

4. KK and BoM will persevere in putting the case for teacher salary payments by parents.

It was suggested that companies (eg GRVL) be informed about this to disseminate to their workers who live in Kasarani



Projects completed:
1: Concrete floors
: The Bilashaka team have recently completed an excellent job on the 11 worst classroom floors. The cost (760,000 KES or @ 70,000/floor) of this work came from Bilashaka’s Fairtrade fund.

1: The trustees may consider applying in July for funds to repair the  remaining worst floors (@7) =7x70K=490K


By July

2: Older girls toilet renovations

KK, JN, DL and JD have not been happy with the quality of work carried out and JD will not pay the final payment until all of the ‘snag’ list has been completed. KK and JN asked that the works supervisor should ALWAYS report to them and they should have copies of the works to be done so that they can keep an eye on work and quality being carried out

2:JD/DL to wait until all snag list completed before paying final sum






3: Rainwater harvesting on lower school classroom roofs

Through an apparent misunderstanding, instead of adding a small rainwater harvesting system to the above toilets, as requested, the tendered for, but NOT AGREED, project on the lower school roofs was constructed over the Easter holidays. The tender for this had been over 450,000. As TAS do not pay in retrospect we have been very lucky that LSF have agreed to pay for this project with a special one off payment. However JD/DL/KK/JN have not been happy with the measurements on the quote and have asked for a requote with correct details of materials used. Payment not to be made until this is done

3. JD to wait for requote and LSF transfer until payment made









4: Incinerators

JD/DL had noted that the incinerators provided by Colour Crops had been wrongly installed with no space for airflow. This is being corrected

4.JN to supervise the correct installation and use of incinerators



TAS report: New funding received:

1.        Girls’ football boots

36,000 has been allocated to purchasing pairs of girls football boots from BATA

1.JD to try and source boots from BATA factory store in Nairobi


2:Labour for concreting fence base

An extra 30,000 will be forwarded for labour to finish concreting fence base

2, JD to contact Josephat to say the concreting can be started


3: Classroom painting

TAS has agreed to this in principle but require exact costs.


KK/JN to get two tenders for classroom painting. JD to send to TAS for moneys to be transferred

By end of May


New projects proposed for submitting for Oct 3rd TAS meeting

1:More classroom floors to be concreted

Trustees agreed to get a 2nd tender for 7 more classrooms. We already have the Bilashaka fundi’s quote of @ 70,000 per floor

A potential new project costing @ 7 x70= 490,000 KES

To be agreed in July 2016

2:Text books

KK said there was a BIG need for text books but teachers needed to feel such funding was fairly distributed. KK will see where the biggest need is and buy text books for a complete year group


KK to find out biggest need and make a proposal for text book funding at July meeting

3:Water from kiosk to toilets

A quote of just over 100,000 KES was received from Felix. KK/JN to get a 2nd quote. NB: this project can only be completed once water is brought from Kasarani to the World Bank kiosk: which is supposed to happen mid-2016


4:Watchman’s hut

KK/JN have been asked to create a measured plan and look for a minimum of two tenders

KK/JN to proceed with measurements and looking for tenders

5: More desks

From March 2016 minutes: there is still a shortfall of 163 bench desks and 200 lockers and chairs.

KK had received a 2nd tender for lockers/chair (to compare with Comboni price of 7000 and 5000): Locker: 2700 + chair 1800=4500: bench desks: 2500.  IF the current shortfall were costed:

Bench desks = 163 x 2500= 407,500

Lockers and chairs= 200 x 4500 = 900,000

It was discussed that this company could be asked to provide: 100 more bench desks= 250,000 50 more lockers and chairs= 225,000: total=475000.



JD said that apparently Shalimar had a new MD: perhaps this would be an opportunity to approach them to help Loldia Primary with future Fairtrade funds?

The Friends of Green Park : JD received an email saying they were still keen to help the school with infrastructure funds but had been currently affected by national banking problems

A discussion continued as to whether trustees should ask TAS for teacher salaries in 2017 due to the current problems in receiving payment from parents. DL and JD emphasized that the generous LSF funding of the last 2 years will end in 2017.

Arabella Akerhielm (Green Park) knows the new Shalimar MD and could be asked to be an intermediary. Also Fleur Africa are not ( it is believed) supporting any school projects in the area and could be approached again (Fabian Fery : Green Park)



Date of next meeting: Monday July 25th  2016

JD will try to attend (no longer living nr Naivasha) to pass over to a new secretary