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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Minutes of  Mitamisyi Local Trust Meeting on 6th June  2016 at school compound.

Members present.

1.       Acothy M. Ndoo –member

2.       Simon  M. Mwasya – member

3.       Joel V. Kimaku - Member

4.       Aurelia M. Mueni –Member

5.       Sarah N. Ngesu – Trust chairlady

6.       Joseph M. Nzughu – Secretary.

In –attendance

1.       Stephen  Kameti – TAS Coordinator.

2.       Joseph Mcdonnel – TAS.

Absent with apology.

1.       Hellen Ndeti – Treasurer

2.       Joseph  manzi – Member

3.       Samuel  Mutemi – Member.


Meeting  agenda

1.       Reading and confirmation of minutes.

2.       Matters arising from the minutes.

3.       Upcoming project

4.       School development plans (prioritized).

5.       Action plans( what next)

6.       AOB.


The meeting started at around 1.00 pm with a word of prayer from Joel V. Kimaku . Immedeatly the chairperson called the meeting into order and requested the members to do self introduction. She welcomed Joseph Mcdonnel who was in attendance courtesy of TAS Coordinator. Stephen explained to the members that Joseph had accompanied him at least to have TAS operation feel.

She encouraged members to feel free in making contribution during the meeting.




Minutes were read secretary  and  then confirmed as true copy by Joel Kimaku and seconded by Simon Mwasysa.


Kitchen Project.

Members appreciated the good kitchen constructed by TAS which is already in Use. The Principal reported to the members that he got energy saving Stoves from the ministry of Education and the stoves are in Use.

 Members said Donor /supporter name should be written at the wall of the kitchen to appreciate the partnership.

Members said the Students should be requested to write an appreciation letter to TAS because they are direct user of the facility.

The school trust to fill the completion report as per TAS requirement. Mr Kameti ( TAS Coordinator) emphasized on the importance of filling completion report any  time the school completes a project.

Information display board

Members agreed to erect  an information display point where all school goings/undertakings can be sported by all. They agreed Mr.  Kameti  to help them in designing a display board.



Members agreed the upcoming projects as :-

1.       Girls hostel – Already funded by TAS  in partnership with school community. The community is already doing their part of bringing local contribution materials. It is expected the project to Kick off towards end of June. Mr Kameti informed the members there are bank transaction  issues  although already project funding has been agreed upon by TAS Trustees. The issue is expected to clear any time by mid June 2016.

2.       EXPORSURE TOUR – Not yet funded. It was agreed members to do the proposal as soon as possible and forward to TAS for funding consideration.

Other project to be found within the school development plans.