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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




29 OCTOBER 2016


Sarah Ngesu  University lecturer - MSSLT Chairlady

Joseph Nzughu  Headteacher - MSSLT Secretary

Joel Vundi Kimaku - Teacher; MSSLT Member

Acothy M Ndoo  Community development worker and farmer -MSSLT Member

Simon Mwasya Parent- MSSLT Member

Samuel Mutemi - MSSLT Member




Aurelia Mueni Muneeni  - Teacher rep. MSSLT Member

Joseph K Manzi  Ward Administrator and former teacher- MSSLT Member.



In attendance:

Hon John Munuve - Area MP

Mohamed Mandera  - Community warden Kora/Meru

Lut Laenen - TAS secretary for Kaseluni trust

Stephen Kameti  KWS/TAS co-ordinator

Gill Marshall-Andrews  - Secretary TAS UK

Members of Mwingi North CDF committee.


Meeting flow.


1.       Inspection of ongoing projects :- girls hostel and laboratory.

2.      Welcome to John Munuve and Lut Laenen.

3.      Projects

i)                    The girls dormitory construction is on going and progress impressive; to be finished at the end of November. The hostel will have additional work by parents (washrooms at a cost 200,000 Kenya shillings).

ii)                  The science block is almost finished (funded by CDF).  What remains is the equipment, gas, water supply etc.  This was to have been a proposal for funding from TAS expected to cost around 800,000 Kes.

iii)                CDF have allocated around 800,000 Kes for completing / refurbishing the classrooms which are in a bad state due to poor workmanship and materials when they were built by CDF in 2013.

iv)                As both these projects will cost about the same, there was a suggestion that it would make more sense for TAS to consider the classroom refurbishment when funds become available and CDF to equip the science lab so it is ready for the January start of term. This was agreed in principle subject to the costings being similar.

v)                  There are no gutters or tanks on any of the buildings.  7 tanks are needed and gutters on all buildings.  TAS will consider a proposal for gutters and everyone will search for an organisation that will provide the tanks.

4. School briefs


A.  School roll

2016 there were 145 students (70 girls and 75 boys)

2017 (expected) 160 students including 45 new form 1 students.

B. Exam results

In 2016 37 students are taking the KCSE exam (17 girls and 20 boys) Mean score target is 3.5.

In 2015 the mean score was 2.8.

C. Teachers

An extra science teacher from TSC is expected next year now the school has a working science lab. This would bring the TSC teachers up to 3.

A further 6 teachers are funded by the BOM plus a cook, matron and watchman.

Note; This is a heavy burden on parents who must pay 5000 Kes per child per term with boarders paying an extra 1,000 Kes.