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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Asako Primary School Trust

Minutes of Meeting

Held at Asako Primary School, Garissa Kenya on 28th January 2017



Mr. Ismael Solola – Chairman School Trust

Mr. Ben Mugambi – Deputy Head Teacher

Mr. Osma Salat – School Chair

Mr. Stephen Kameti

Mrs. Gill Marshall – TAS Director

Mr. David Kombe – Treasurer

Mrs. Carol Barton




Meeting started with a welcome from the Chairman of the School Trust Mr. Ismael Solola. An apology was given for the absence of the Head Teacher. The agenda for the meeting was tabled as listed below:

1.       To see the state of the school and especially TAS funded projects.

2.       Check on status of TAS funded Solar Installation and Painting.

3.       Check on status of TAS funded staff quarters

4.       Review possible funding



Maters Arising

1.       Solar Panels are in place and working. The students now have lighting and power.

2.       It was highlighted that contractors are not keen on small projects, hence the reason for the delay in painting the school. However, painting has started and is scheduled to end by first week of February 2017.

3.       It was noted that books and papers are scattered all over the school. The cardboard that is used for storing books is in a deplorable state and books are being attacked by termites. The school resolved to purchase a metallic boxes and repair the cabinet using metal sheets.

4.       The school expressed the need for a TV and printer.

5.       It was noted that the school fence and staff quarters required repairs.

6.       Currently the teachers who stay in the staff quarters are not paying anything hence there are no funds for maintaining the staff quarters.

7.       It was highlighted that despite providing staff quarters the school is experiencing difficult in maintaining teachers.

8.       A quick tour of the school compound showered that the school needs to be keener in maintain the existing infrastructure.

9.       It was noted that the school does not have running water.




TAS will consider looking for funding for the TV request subject to the fulfillment of the following conditions:

a)      Completion of the painting project.

b)      Mending of the fence.

c)       Cleaning of the school compound.

d)      Proper storage of all books in the school.

e)      Repair of broken desk.

f)       Commencement of rental charges for tenants at the staff quarter.


Approval of Minutes




Chairman School Trust                                               Deputy Head Teacher

Mr. Ismael Solola                                                         Mr. Ben Mugambi






Director TAS

Gill Marshall