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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting







Mohammed Hussan                Headteacher

Mohamed Abdullah Ahmed    Community Representative

Abdikhani Yussuf                     Boka Pri B.O.M Chair

Carol Barton                           Boka Trust Secretary


In attendance:

Stephen Kameti                       TAS / KWS coordinator

David Kombe                         TAS Jarajara and El Rar

Polycarp Okuku                       KWS Warden Garissa

Said Bashane                           KWS pilot

Gill Marshall-Andrews            TAS UK




01-Nov          Balance from Chase Bank Account                          144,679                                       

05-Nov          MPESA Payment to Head (KK415YHDST)                 35,100

1/1/17           Balance Remaining                                                   109,579


The balance to be spent on revision books

ACTION – Headteacher to get a quote and SK to advise Carol where to send funding



The Headteacher is doing an excellent job and the school clearly benefits from his visionary leadership. The school currently has 5  TSC teachers and the parents pay for 1 additional teacher. Teachers are attracted to the school by the fact that the local community is welcoming; some water and good Internet connection is available. Lack of housing for teachers is an issue that needs to be addressed to help attract and retain good staff.

The school still deals with a transient population; it is hoped that retention and attendance will improve once the dormitories become fully operational.

In the 2016 exams, the school scored 189 in std 8 exams, slightly down on the 202 scored in 2015. This is partly attributable to the teachers strike. In 2015 24 students entered the std 8 exams, in 2016 the figure was 25



In August 2016, there was a school trip and the school would like to plan another for 2017. The Headteacher suggested Mombasa. Gill suggested that KWS / WCK should assist in arranging a trip with a focus on conservation.


ACTION – Stephen to talk to AD Eastern KWS about a possible conservation trip

Headteacher to write 2 proposals:

1)      Conservation Trip

2)      Mombasa



Lower shelving has been installed.

The school is the first in Tana River County to receive laptops and ‘E-pads’ as part of the first phase of the government’s laptop programme.  The young, newly qualified IT teacher is visionary and enthusiastic and will prove an excellent role model for students.


He demonstrated the working of the teacher’s computer by projecting the content onto a wall of the classroom.  The sound may need to be enhanced but the programme was impressive.  The whole curriculum of Class 1 and 2 is loaded onto the system. Further resources are available to be downloaded via the web.


There is also another programme called TAFAKARI which is being developed by Microsoft, DSTV and the Ministry of Education. The school plans to acquire this via the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development.


Both of these developments have been made possible by TAS’ investment in the library and the provision of solar power.  


The TV and DVD player are in use but lack DVDs.  TAS would like to establish a library of conservation videos. KWS has a resource Centre in Nairobi and are able to create resources for schools.


ACTION – Stephen to acquire a significant library of DVDs from KWS.




Bunk beds are in place and washrooms are complete.

The Matron is currently residing in the girl’s dormitory, as her room needs minor modifications to ensure the room is adequately ventilated. The dormitories are currently not being used by students because there is no food to provide an evening meal.




The school requests assistance with the following:




Revision Books

Agreed - HT to get a quote and advise Carol where to send funding

Accommodation for teachers         

HT to write a proposal for consideration


HT to write a proposal which also includes a business plan to cover the cost of cartridges and maintenance

Banda - a weather friendly study structure

HT to develop proposal

Solar for the Admin Block

HT to develop proposal

Conservation Trip

HT to develop proposal

Trip to Mombasa

HT to develop proposal