Recent News 
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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Note of a meeting at Eburru Primary School on 1 February 2017


Joseph Karanja  Headteacher

Nicole Church  Secretary Eburru Primary School Trust

Gill Marshall-Andrews  Secretary TAS in UK.


Title deed

This has still not been issued.  The government has encouraged all schools to obtain deeds but the process is difficult.  Nicole took the documents and plans accumulated over 12 years and will try to find a way of getting it done.

Post meeting note:  Hon Mathenge MP for Gilgil and Naivasha has also asked for copies of these document and promised to facilitate the process.

 Next Classroom block

Funds are in place to get the next 3 classrooms  built but HSK will not release their contribution until the title deeds are obtained.  Hence the urgency.

Completion reports

Forms were left with the headteacher for completion reports on recent projects.


The HT will enlist the help of other teachers to familiarise himself with the laptop TAS gave him in November.

The government laptops are expected soon but are apparently going first to small schools.

Exam results

The 2016 mean   score is 210 ( the 2015 ms was 204).  Also the number qualifying for secondary school doubled to 46.  This is in part due to the lowering of the qualifying mark from 250 to 170.

English Club

A volunteer from US, Kara Hamblen, comes 3 times a week after school to give English classes to 30 Standard 8 students of low to middle ability.   She has been doing this since May 2016 and the improved exam results reflect this.

Plant nursery – Rhino Ark

Rhino Ark wishes to establish a plant nursery in the school as part of the Eburru reforestation programme.   The student environment club will be involved in caring for these trees.