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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present: Lissa Campbell,  Norma Empringham,  Ben Howland,  Steve James,  Luke Morris, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Douglas Pinto, Ben Taylor

Apologies:  Guy CowleyWill Jones, Tom Marshall-Andrews , Johnnie Morris.

1.  Apologies for absence and welcome to Douglas Pinto.

2.  Draft Minutes of meeting on 21 February 2017 were agreed.


3.  Appointment of new trustee

Gill Marshall-Andrews proposed that Douglas Pinto become a trustee.  Motion seconded by Norma Empringham and agreed unanimously.


4.  Schools update:  See attached summary and report from Stephen Kameti previously circulated.


5.  Just a drop.

Lissa reported that discussions were in progress between ASDF (African Sand Dams Foundation) and  Mitamysi  Secondary School to build a large water tank for the school.  Stephen Kameti has been facilitating meetings and reports that the school community commitment to this is very strong.  There is also a possibility that Kaseluni Primary School could be another such project.

6.  Marathon

Joan Dickie successfully completed the Marathon in April.  Trustees extended their congratulations and thanks to her for her great effort.


7.  Finance

GMA reported in Guy’s absence that there is around £33k in the bank after £14k was sent to Eburru Primary School Trust for their 2 classrooms.   We expect a further £10k from a donor for the Jarajara library  on Friday 16 June and have just received confirmation from John Spiers that he will contribute 30% of the total income ie around £25k.  This would bring the total funds available to around £68k.

There is also £11,500 expected from Loldia School Fund as the residue of its funds when it finally closes down later this year.  This will be ringfenced for Loldia.

8.  Proposals for funding

Proposals to the value of £53k were discussed and agreed for funding once the Nairobi trust and company have been set up and a bank account opened.   Great thanks to Lissa for putting these proposals onto the website as she has done for years.  This is a thankless task which benefits hugely from her careful scrutiny of the figures.

9.  Kenyan bank accounts, new limited company and private charitable trust in Nairobi

It was noted that it had been agreed by the Trustees that a new TAS Kenyan bank account should be opened. The purpose of this account is to ensure that any funds which TAS has agreed to donate to any of the schools in Kenya are sent to this account before being transferred into sub-accounts in the name of Karui Limited –(Name of school).  Signatories to these sub-accounts will be the designated Secretary of the local school trust plus Douglas Pinto and Gill Marshall-Andrews.  Where possible these sub-accounts will be opened at the same bank as the main Karui Limited account.

It was noted that, due to Kenyan banking requirements and in order to open a bank account, a Kenyan company would have to be incorporated.  This would have to be a limited company as, setting up a company limited by guarantee would require approvals from various Kenyan authorities.

In addition, a Kenyan private charitable Trust would also have to be established and which would be the ultimate beneficial owner of the limited company.  Again, a private trust is advantageous due to fewer approvals required.

The trustees of this Kenyan trust, the directors of the company and the signatories of the main company bank account would be some of the TAS Trustees to ensure that it is controlled by TAS.

The trustees had taken legal advice from Coulson Harney in connection with the set up of the accounts, the Kenyan trust and the company formation.

Accordingly it was agreed that a private trust and a limited company should be set up as soon as possible in Nairobi.  Karui is the name agreed for both and this name is available.  Our thanks go to Philip Coulson and Peter Oklaalet of Coulson Harner, to Luke Morris and to Douglas Pinto who are working together to get these entities set up.

It was agreed that :

a. the trustees should be Norma Empringham,  Guy Cowley, Ben Taylor, Douglas Pinto, Gill Marshall-Andrews and Luke Morris

b. the directors and shareholders of the company and the signatories to the company bank account should be  Norma Empringham,  Guy Cowley, Ben Taylor, Douglas Pinto, and Gill Marshall-Andrews, with the account requiring two signatories to transfer funds.


The trust deed was discussed, agreed, signed and witnessed.  Further actions will be undertaken by Luke, Douglas, Gill and Peter in order to get these entities established and the bank account opened as soon as possible so as to enable funds to be transferred for school projects.

10.  Next meeting   Many thanks to Ben T for the wonderful meeting room and refreshments at Ernst and Young.

The next meeting will be 6pm Monday 9 October 2017 at Ben H’s office, 6 Kingley Street.