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Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Evans Ondeiki, Solomon Muraya, David Morgan, Lily Githiiyi, Janet Strevens, Gill Marshall-Andrews




Wed 13th Sept., 10 am . Eburru Secondary School.

Apologies from Val Corr
Those present, Evans Ondeiki HM, Solomon Muraya DH, Janet Strevens, David Morgan, Lily Githiiyi Chairman of Board of Govs., Gill Marshal-Andrews, Norma Empringham (Asst. Director for Education in Richmond.) from the Trust in London.

Evans welcomed us all and extended special welcome to Norma.

Minutes of the meeting held 10th July 2006 had already been circulated. DM proposed that they be adopted and GMA seconded.

Matters arising.

Letters of appreciation to Bonnik ,from the students organized by Solomon had been received .  His reply was read..  It was noted that he would still be interested in supporting the school in some way. GMA asked if she could have a copy of some of the letters so they could be printed on the web site.

Janet said  5050/- had been spent on notice boards and it was agreed the remainder be spent on paint, brushes and turps so that maintenance could be done on the school as and when needed.

Report by Evans H/M

a. The 2 female teachers had settled into their 2nd term and seemed happier.  Evans is re-organising the housing for staff. Which helped make the new female teachers more comfortable.
b. The Govt had promised 1 new teacher (humanities) this term, although he had not yet arrived.  This meant that the work load of all the teachers had been improved considerably and that they were all delighted.
c. C.D.F. had given 15,000/- shillings for a bursary (orphan)
d. Ministry of Education had produced 10,000/- for bursaries for 2 students (orphans)
e. The economical wood burning stoves had already shown 75% saving in fuel.They were much faster and produced no smoke. Lily said that the village were so impressed with the performance that this was going to be used as a pilate project in the village.

 Janet said that a qualified accountant Gordon Wilson, living on Green park had agreed to do the book keeping for the Trust.  Appreciation from all members of the trust was expressed.

 PROJECTS . a. evaluation  b. proposals

Now that projects were being completed, the evaluation process must be applied.
It was agreed that each project required a different form of evaluation.
For some of the engineering projects expertese must be used.  This was accepted.  Gill agreed to complete the cooking stove evaluation.
JS stated that we had evaluated the renovation project and that all details ,costings etc. were on the way to Bonnik.
David M. also produced a slightly different form for the application of project funding  to be completed by the Board of Governors rather than the Trustees, then approval would be sought from the Trustees.  It was agreed that this be used for.
Projects (not already discussed)

a. Water harvesting. 
The BoG had obtained several quotations and would be putting forward a proposal to the Trustees.  The quotations were considerably more than the original as they had decided a larger tank was required.  Because that with the advent of the Geothermal station,  water would be available from the project, provided  storage was available. GMA suggested that we ask Bonnik if he would like to assist in this project.  This was unanimously agreed.
b. Junior School bursaries (10)  ?120/- fees ? 200/- boarding still to be raised, Bike race should raise nearly ?1,000/-
  c.  Existing bursaries and pledges  
     It was stated that VC had written to all of the donors thanking them for this year's  bursaries and remind them that they had committed themselves to 3 more years.  VC had sent photos of the children to the sponsors and copies of their progress reports. .
Since the last meeting the KPL had installed a transformer very near to the school.  The board are in the process of reviewing tenders for the installation of electricity in the school. KP&L also have to inform us of the cost to connect the transformer to the school.
Janet said that she had received 3 laptop computers from computer Aid.,    Lily said that she knew an expert who would give his time freely to configure them.  We all expressed our delight.

Evans was asked to set up a prograam for the use of the computers in the school.

Norma said that she had a spare nearly new printer that she would  donate to the school. !!!  Thank you.

Discussion ensued as for the need of Teacher Development, Open Days, parent teacher meetings.

Final decisions were to be made by the board and staff although it was considered that teacher development, using bought in expertise could be the first project off the ground. Norma agreed to send some material to us.  It was provisionally suggested that a Teacher development be held on Tuesday 9th Jan 2007.

Norma has many reference books in  UK waiting to be transported out to Kenya. GMA stated that transport had bee found.

Evans said that his application to (books for Africa) had had no response.  It was suggested that he follow it up.


1. GMA said that she would donate a prize for the class with the best designed and kept garden. ( Rocks and succulents that do not need water) (possibly a trip for the class to Hells Gate) Also another for the best kept classroom.

2. Lily said that her daughter together with other professional musicians and artists in NBI would be putting on a show and that they would aim or raise money for a new girl's dormitory.


Allocation of Jobs.

Complete proposals for funding , water harvesting, Electricity, Staff development.
Cost trip to hells gate

Solomon, Letters of appreciation to GMA. For Web Site

Literature for staff dev programmers.

GMA Up dating web site and evaluation form for the cooker project.

DM To be available for consultation for projects.

Lilly to liaise with Jan Computers

Minutes , circulation of
Liaise with Lily. Re computers
Letter to Bonnik re water project.

Send out notice of next meeting with agenda.