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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Meeting Loldia Primary School Board of Trustees:  

 Monday 29.1.18 at 3pm in the head teacher's office. 



Present:  Kennedy Kariuki, (HT: chair), Grace Bilashaka, Caroline Andisi, Wanja-Gitura Arentz, (Secretary, LPS Board ), Ben Arentz (Technical advisor). 

Absent with apologies: Diana Low. James Nding'uri. 




The chair and head teacher KK welcomed those present and gave the apology for the absence of James Nding;uri. WA the secretary gave the apology for Diana Low. 


The agenda of the meeting was the evaluation of the results for the tender for an extension to the administration block. 

BA briefed those present on progress so far. 

Two experienced builders and BA had gone to the school to discuss the logistics of building the new block. It was agreed that trying to build on top of the existing block would not only be disruptive but would also be too expensive and so it was best to build adjacent and connected to the old block. 

BA had drawn up the plan for the new block and sent the proposal to TAS. 

TAS approved the proposal indicating that funds would be made available for this new project. 

BA had written down a description and made a technical drawing of the requirement. 

This had been sent out to four contractors so they could come up with their proposals/quotations. 

Only two contractors had sent back their bids. 

The first one was Joseph Kimani Gatimu who put in a bid for 2, 381.283 Kenyan Shillings. 

The second one Josphat Mbugua put in a bid for 1.396.190 Kenyan Shillings. 

After a short discussion, it was agreed that the tender should be awarded to Josphat Mbugua. 



BA informed all present that the good news was that TAS in London had approved and sent 1.4 million shillings to fund this project. 

All present expressed their gratitude to TAS for this generous funding. 


It was agreed that BA would would contact Josphat Mbugua with the news. 

The 12th of February would be the date that the next meeting would be held with the contractor in order to set up a building schedule and a payment schedule. 


The same contractor would be asked to install the water pump needed and also to repair the plinth of the water tank that had shoddily been made by a previous contractor.  


KK was asked about the current student enrollment and the situation regarding teachers. 

The enrollment this year is 2,013 students and still ongoing. 

The government TSC has posted 22 teachers instead of the required 42 teachers. 

Bilashaka is paying for 5 teachers, Shalimah for 2, Loldia for 1, Diana's firm for 1 and parents for 5 who sadly go generally unpaid as the parents do not honour their agreement. 

There is a shortfall of 8 teachers. 



Grace of Bilashaka announced that from the Fair Trade, Bilashaka was going to send funds for the building of another classroom, possibly two of them. This was welcome news. 

BA raised the issue of the playground which had now been flattened but the plastic takataka still not removed. KK said this was still ongoing and that it had been very difficult to get the company that dumped the soil to come and complete the task. 

WA brought up the issue of last years’ KCP results. 

The head teacher said there had been a drop from the previous years and that the boys had performed much better than the girls. (Please see the attached breakdown.) 

This was attributed to many factors including the lifestyle in Kasarani and the lack of supervision of some of the children by their parents. 

There was obviously a great need for the school to raise the matter with the parents, the chief, the MCA and all concerned to come up with a better plan for better education and higher results. 



The next meeting will be on 12.2.18.