Minutes of the meeting at Asako Primary School Trust held on 11 October 2006
> Members present were:
Juma Ali Dido – JAD, Lissa Campbell – LC, Mike Harries - MH
Tony Fitzjohn – TF, Bakari Kumora- BK (standing in for absent trustees)
1. Minutes of the last were read. Anthony Gross has set up the bank account with Chase Bank. A correction was made to point 10 under Communications – the car to Garissa is a public taxi not a KWS car. The airstrip had been tidied up and TF thanked those concerned.
2. Trust Deeds were distributed and JAD was given 3 extra copies for those absent.
3. Funding Proposals.
> These were identified as 90 desks, 10 tables and 10 chairs and transport for them was discussed. Samples were not ready but JAD promised they would be by next meeting. If application is approved by TAS trustees they are to be made of hard wood. Quotes are still needed for the tables and chairs and for transport.
> 2 cupboards to store books were asked for but it was agreed that this was not a priority and could be done at a later date.
> 2 primary teachers and 2 pre-primary teachers was the second priority. If approved advertisements to go out asap and the trustees at Asako will interview the prospective teachers with the hope that the new teachers would start from Jan 1st. All the trustees need to see the credentials of the teachers and the teachers must sign a contract. One of the pre-primary teachers would be Bare Hassan. He is currently being paid 1500ksh from the community and 3500ksh from individuals.
> Third priority was staff quarters. This is to be put out to contract and TF and MH will look at getting standard plans.
4. Windmill. This is a separate project from the Trust work. It is being put in by MH to assist in irrigation. However there is potential for a pipe to be run off it to the school to provide water for washing, building etc. MH to get quote on cost of extra piping and materials needed to do this.
5. Woman representative. Michelle has agreed to take on this role to help in encouraging more girls to attend school. LC and Michelle discussed reasons for poor girl attendance after the meeting.
6. It was agreed that the Minutes should be posted on a board at the school along with printouts from the website and the brochure. These will be displayed in a glass-fronted board.
7. Brochure. The brochure was corrected and LC will email the changes to Gill.
8. Communications. MH had approached Telkon but they are unable to help. TF has asked Sarah Watson from Tusk to approach Safaricom on our behalf. TF thanked JAD for his email correspondence.
9. AOB – MH is working on a locally produced wind generator for electricity. He could trial it at Asako and he asked BK to ask the community if having electricity at the school would help – e.g. for night studies, adult literacy classes, security. It was stressed that this was just for the school not for the village and it would not be ready for around 1 year.
10. Next meeting – 15 November