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Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Loldia Primary School Trust: Board of Trustees meeting: 5.9.17 at 10 am. 

Present:  Kennedy Kariuki (HT: chair), James Ndingu'ri (senior teacher), Wanja-Gitura Arentz  (Secretary, LPS Board ), Ben Arentz (Technical advisor), Diana Low. 





The last minutes of the board held on the 22.6.17 were read and approved. 



Ben gave a summary of the work done on the 2nd water harvesting project. The project had gone well with constant supervision and inspection carried out by JN, WA and BA. 

The work is now satisfactorily completed and the contractor has been paid a further 10% as per the contract. A last 10% has been withheld until heavy rains come which is when the final quality of the work can be assessed. 


New projects were discussed. 

.The possibility of building a kitchen where food can be cooked for the students was discussed. 

BA will look into the logistics of inviting a tender for a kitchen.  

The logistics of providing food was also discussed. This would be a big undertaking feeding over 2,000 students. 

.Getting a pump to pump water into the three high tanks. This water could be used in the toilets. The piping to the toilets and at the toilets will need to be replaced by metal pipes.

.The repair of the plinth for the first water harvesting was also discussed. The leaking tap of the stone tank needed repairs. 

.The soil being dumped on the playing field by the Kasarani road constructors is still ongoing. It needs to be levelled and all the plastic bags removed. 

.The road constructors had also said they would make the road from the new gate to the school and also hard face the main square in front of the administrative office. KK will follow up on this. 

. The roofs of the old classrooms need painting and repairs. 

.The building of an administrative block for teachers is still under discussion but not seen as a priority. 




KK informed those present that 285 tablets had been provided for class one by the ministry of education. Teachers had been trained in the use of these tablets and there is a classroom and cupboards where these tablets can be stored. 

The follow up on warranty and repairs would be seen to by the ministry of education. 



The varnishing of the new furniture (school benches) had not yet been done. 






On the situation of teachers. 

The official ratio of teacher per student is 1:40 (one teacher for 40 students) 

At the moment for the school population of 2,100 students, the situation was that there were 19 government (TSC) sponsored teachers. 

There are 8 teachers sponsored by the local farms. 

5 teachers are supposed to be paid for by the parents but to date, there had been no money forth coming from parents so the teachers have gone unpaid for the last two months. 




. It was agreed that the new board of trustees would be whittled down to; 

Kennedy Kariuki, James Nding'uri, Grace of Bilashaka, Caroline, Diana Low, Ben Arentz and Wanja Arentz. 

.DL said she had a mitumba sale organized to fundraise for the school on 5.10.17 at her farm. She needed help for this from the school staff and/or students to help with the logistics. 

She had another mitumba sale organized on 7.10.17 this time to be held in Green Park. She did not need help for this. 

. As we move away from plastics, it was agreed that the plastic bottles in front and around the administrative block would be removed. Plants and flowers would be planted to make the place more aesthetic. 

DL promised some cuttings for this. 

BA and WA promised some bags of manure to enrich the soil in order to make this project successful. 

. Photos of students enjoying the clean, fresh water from the newly completed water project will be taken and circulated to the board and to Sandy Edmeades of the Loldia School Fund in London and to TAS with another thank you message to our sponsors. 



The next meeting will be called when the need arises.