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(Click to view archive news)
Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:  Guy Cowley,  Norma Empringham,  Ben Howland, Luke Morris,  Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews,  Johnnie Morris.

Apologies:  Lissa Campbell, Steve James,Will Jones, Douglas Pinto, Ben Taylor.

1.   Minutes of meeting on 12 June 2017 were agreed.


2.  Schools update:   Report from Stephen Kameti (previously circulated) was discussed. 

3.  Karui Trust and company

The new company Karui Limited is now set up with a bank account at CBA.  Sub accounts have also been set up for Kaseluni, Mitamysi, El Rar, Jarajara and Boka.  The secretaries of these trusts have registered with the bank and we are now in the process of activating internet banking. For each sub account the secretary and either Douglas or GMA will sign.   Funds for other schools – particularly Asako, Madogo – will be distributed direct from the main account to the relevant contractors/ suppliers with Douglas and Gill as signatories.

The registration of Karui Trust is still not completed because the 6 signatures need to be notarised. This process is cumbersome, involving a notary public, the FCO and the Kenyan High Commission!

We hope to have the 5 UK signatories notarised in time for the document to be taken out to Nbo within the next few weeks.  Douglas will get his signature notarised in Nbo and then the process can – we hope- be completed.

4.  Re-imbursement of KWS funds

For some time KWS have not been paying Stephen Kameti his field expenses, despite the fact that funds from TAS have been sent specifically for this. Stephen is therefore considerable out of pocket.  The money is in the TAS account at KWS – it has not been used for other purposes – but they are in such a parlous financial state that all payments except salaries have been frozen.

GMA has met with Wanyoni, the Resource Procurement officer in KWS to discuss this and has been advised to write to request that the unused funds should be returned to TAS.  This has been done and a request made to refund 730,000 Kes ie £5400.  No response has so far been received but GMA will pursue the matter when she arrives in Nbo.


  5.  Just a drop – African Sand Dams Foundation (ASDF)

 Lissa reported that JAD is ready to submit seek funds for the tank at Mitamysi.  The community has assembled small stones and sand and are raising money to transport the larger stones required. TAS has been asked to share the cost of this. (Post meeting note:  This application for 50% of the transport costs was agreed).


6. .  Finance

£29.5k is in the bank account of which £11.5k is ring fenced for Loldia.

Luke has offered to put TAS forward to the Property Race in the hope that some specific projects may be funded.

7.  Proposals for funding

Proposals to the value of £10,200 were discussed and agreed for provisional or definite funding.  Some projects require further detail before funds can be sent.

8.  Debate Mate

This is an NGO that runs debating training and competitions in disadvantaged schools in UK and more recently abroard.  They use university students as trainers and facilitators.   Last year they ran a two week programme at a group of schools on the coast in Kenya.  They have agreed in principle to run a one week programme based in Mwingi in August 2018.  The deal would be that TAS would fund the school children’s costs, possibly with KWS assistance with accommodation.  Debate Mate would fund all the university students’ costs – flights, accommodation, transport, conference facilities etc.  Further details will be discussed next year.

9.  Conservation posters

GMA is working on a conservation poster to be printed and put in every classroom in schools we support.  There is a big push to save Kora National Park from further degradation and more conservation education is seen as an important contribution to this effort.

 The draft text of a poster was circulated.  Input by trustees will be welcomed.  An Australian graphic designer has offered to design the poster when the text has been finalised.

10.  Next meeting   Many thanks to Ben H for the wonderful meeting room and refreshments at London Wealth Management.

The next meeting will be 6pm Monday 15 January 2018 at Luke’s office, Fladgate, 16 Great Queen Street.