21 OCTOBER 2018
Badiwa Mohamed Kibwana HT,
Amina Maoi Nderu Womens Rep,
Stephen Kameti, Gill Marshall-Andrews
Apologies: Carol
Barton TAS Boka secretary, Chief Kimau.
School update:
321 children on roll plus 112 ECD children in the
banda. The school clearly needs an ECD
classroom or two and will approach the county for this.
The school did not seem in a good state. The fence is broken, the TAS funded banda has
still not been brought up to a proper standard, and the dormitory is now empty. This is because the Ministry has apparently not finally registered the school as a boarding school. It is hoped that registration will happen in time for the new term in January.
The new HT is keen to adopt a more rigorous approach to
maintenance and discipline.
The trees planted at the Conservation Day are still alive
and being watered and protected from animals.
Possible new proposals once the outstanding maintenance
issues have been overcome are for solar light in the office and a storeroom.
Next meeting planned for January 2019.