Recent News 
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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting






 Present:  Norma Empringham,  Guy Cowley,  Ben Howland, Gill Marshall-Andrews

Apologies:  Lissa Campbell,  Will Jones,  Johnnie Morris,  Steve James, Luke Morris,  Douglas Pinto,  Ben Taylor, Tom Marshall-Andrews

In attendance:  Rafela Fitzhugh

1.   Minutes of meeting on 7 January 2019  were agreed.

2.  Rafela Fitzhugh was welcomed to the meeting.  She has  kindly volunteered to do some funding applications and will work with Lissa and Gill on this. 


3.  Schools update:  

 Stephen Kameti’s update was discussed.  A copy is appended to these minutes.  Of particular note are the completed classrooms at Kaseluni, the new staff quarters half built at Jarajara and the ongoing Forest Schools pilot project at Kaseluni.

Guy presented an analysis of exam results over the last 4 years.  This shows a healthy trend albeit not uniform progress.  This will be uploaded onto the website.

4.  Funding


The bid to the Property Race Day was successful.  This means that the major projects for Mitamysi will be funded over 3 years.  An indicative sum of around £45k has been promised  this year with further similar sums for the next 2 years.

There has been no progress with overtures to St James Place.   Ben T is pursing

Douglas is preparing  the Karui accounts for audit.  Guy presented the income analysis for 2019 which shows slow progress so far this year. 

GMA will pursue the usual sources.

5.  Proposals for funding

Projects to the value of ££5290 were agreed. 

Projects to the value of £52k were funded since January 2019.


6. Safeguarding children

There has been good progress on this.  The policy and code of conduct have been agreed and circulated.  GMA, Guy, Norma, Rafela and Lissa have all got their DBS.  GMA has taken the documents round the schools with great interest  and commitment expressed everywhere.  The Code of Conduct has been handed out to schools for signing by all staff.  SK will collect the signed forms.  The docs have also been given to County Education Officers and local MPs for information.

7.  Resignation

Ben Howland’s resignation as a trustee was very reluctantly been accepted.  Ben has said he feels he needs to concentrate his charitable efforts nearer home.  However he has said he wants to keep abreast of what’s going on with TAS and will continue to offer his office as a venue for occasional meetings.  Trustees expressed their heartfelt thanks for his 12 years of commitment to the Trust and presented him with African Twilight – a 2 volume book of photographs of African rituals and ceremonies.  Thank you Ben. We will miss you!

8.  Next meeting     

Next meeting will be on Monday 7 October 2019.  Venue to be arranged but hopefully at Luke’s office at Fladgate, 16 Great Queen Street. (Will that be OK Luke?)