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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Evens Ondieki, Val Corr, David Morgan, Lilly Blessing



Apologies: Jan Strevens.  Gill Marshall-Andrews. Solomon  Muraya

Present:  Evans Ondieki, Lilly Blessing, David Morgan, Val Corr.

The Trustees sent best wishes for a speedy recovery to Jan Strevens and thanked her for all the work that she has done on behalf of the Trust.

The Minutes of the last meeting were approved.  Proposed by Lilly and seconded by Val Corr.

Matters Arising
Report by HM:  Evans reported that one female teacher left on 31st October.  She was one of the teachers whose salaries are paid by the Trust.

David Morgan asked whether the school wanted the teacher replaced.  Evans confirmed that the school would like the Trust to pay for a new teacher.  He reported that an advertisement had been placed in the press.  They have not had applicants from suitably qualified applicants.  It was agreed that a new teacher would start in January as there are only 2 weeks left of this term.

Evans reported that he had been to the Kenya Library Services and had had to re apply.  There would be a delay of up to 4 – 6 weeks.

Existing Bursaries
VC pointed out that the sentence should read “VC will send….”

Nothing to report.

Head Master’s Report
1. The Government have supplied a TSC teacher on 15th October.  There are now 5

2. The Government had promised 80 000.00 to be used for bursaries for 16 students who will benefit by Shs. 5000.00 towards their fees.

3. A parents’ day was held on 19th October.  About 98 parents attended along with the Dist. Education Officer.  Everyone expressed their appreciation for what the Trustees have done for the school.

4. Evans explained to them that admission to Form 1 would be done on merit.

DM reported that he had been advised to make the savings account into a floating savings account which will realize a 2% interest per annum.
It was agreed that we would ask Jan to make the change.

It was also agreed that the cheque signatories would remain unchanged – that is:  The Secretary (Jan Strevens) and one other signatory.

DM proposed that we thank Lilly for her help in getting the computers on line.  It was reported that 2 are ready and one is undergoing minor adjustments.  It only remains to be collected.

Evans asked whether Lilly could ask her friend to come up to the school to give instruction to teachers and pupils.  Lilly to make arrangements to liaise with Evans.

Project Proposals
DM presented a modified project proposal.  These should be signed by the Chairman of the BOG and the HM

The amended forms were accepted and any old copies should be destroyed.
Evans reported that he had received tenders.  Two were DQ’d.  The remaining tender came from a man to who had done work on other schools and presented a very professional proposal. 

Evans reported that he is waiting for a quote from the KP & L.  It was agreed that if Evans received a quote he will have it delivered to GP and that we would convene a meeting.

Evans asked whether he should get on with the internal wiring whilst he waited for the answer from KP & L.  DM asked that he waited until we have finaolised costings for the water project and that they would be approved together.

Evans presented a proposal for the water tank.  3 tenders have been received.  The BOG have chosen Mandi builders.  He was chosen on his professional presentation and he has a good profile history.
1. The water will come into the new tank from the roof
2. The water will need to be pumped into the header tank.  This has not been quoted for.
3. It was estimated that the tower was going to cost 45,000.00.  An electric pump would cost 45,000.00.  A money maker pump would cost 10,000.00
4. DM asked that we got quotes for plumbing into the building to include the bathrooms, kitchens and science lab.
5. That the quote should also include the cost of erecting shower blocks.
6. DM asked that a quote be obtained for a facility to take further water from outside (i.e., the big tanks at the top of the hill.

It was agreed that if this quote and proposal were complete it should be sent down to GP and DM, JS & VC would hold an impromptu meeting to approve.

VC to try and bring plants to the school on her next visit in order that the children could complete their gardens.

There being no further business the meeting was closed at 12.30 .m.
Date of next meeting : to be arranged when Evans has all the quotes and proposals.