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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:  Norma Empringham,  Lissa Campbell, Guy Cowley,  Ben Howland,  Ben Taylor, Gill Marshall-Andrews and Tom Marshall-Andrews via phone link.

Apologies:   Will Jones,  Johnnie Morris,  Steve James, Luke Morris,  Douglas Pinto,

1.   Minutes of meeting on 20 September 2018 were agreed.


2.  Schools update:  

 SK’s update was discussed.  Trustees noted several encouraging developments.   Most notably the ASDF tank is nearly complete.  Everyone hopes it will be filled in the March/April rains.  It should then provide water all year round to the school.

3.  Funding

Funding has been slow this year and several applications have been refused.  Lissa has suggested and will pursue several other foundations and trusts, and maybe DfID .  Ben T knows someone from St James Place and will provide the contact with a view to us putting in a small application to them.   

 The Waterloo Foundation has agreed £11k for the environment project at Kaseluni so a total of  £58k is available to spend on projects.  There are hopes that the Property Race Day application will come good and thanks are due to Journeys by Design for putting together 2 safaris for auction.

Harriet Matsaert who lives in Nairobi is trying to arrange for one of her interns to do a short video about TAS as a project.  This will give us something to send to companies and foundations in Kenya and UK.

Douglas is preparing  the Karui accounts for audit. 

It was agreed that we should look for a volunteer fund raiser.  GMA will draft a job description and person spec  to send to U3A and Councils of Voluntary Service in Richmond and elsewhere.

4.  Proposals for funding

Projects to the value of £28k were agreed. 

Further projects to the value of £64k have been agreed in principle with money to be sent as funding allows. Which projects will receive funds will depend on whether or not we are successful with the PRD application.

Guy will send funds asap.


5. Safeguarding children

Trustees discussed the issue in detail and agreed an action plan which will be circulated.  Norma  has already researched the matter and  offered to prepare a policy and code of conduct for all adults working with TAS in any capacity.  When agreed this will be put onto the website and GMA will take copies out to Kenya for local trustees to discuss and sign.   GMA will get her DBS application in train.  Norma will be the Safeguarding Officer in UK and GMA in Kenya.

6.  Laptop for Stephen. 

The  second hand laptop Gill brought out for Stephen is no good! 

It was agreed that we ask Douglas if CBA have any laptops then are getting rid of. 

Ben H’s very generous offer to send him £250 to buy one in Kenya will be put on hold until we see if we can find another source.

7.  Foundation for Youth Cricket in Kenya

GMA reported on a meeting with David Waters about setting up a cricket project in the Naivasha area.  The idea is character development through cricket.  It has been very successful in some urban schools in Kenya and it was suggested that a cricket hub could be established in the Naivasha vicinity as accommodation and transport would be easier than in the Mwingi area.  The issue is funding.  TAS schools would be required to pay for the cricket coaches.  Trustees agreed that this is not a priority for funding in TAS schools at present.

8.  Next meeting   Many thanks to Ben T for the wonderful meeting room and refreshments at E&Y.  Next meeting will be on Monday 29 April at Ben H’s office 6 Kingly Street. 


9.  Post meeting note:

Lissa’s friend Rafela Fitzhugh has offered to help with funding applications.  She has recently moved back to London and is only in part time work at present  so we are lucky to have her.  GMA is meeting her on Friday 11 January to discuss.