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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Notes of a meeting at Mitamysi Secondary School

on 19 October 2019

Present:Paul Nzuki  Principal, Acothy Ndoo, Gideon Kitheka (PTAchairman), Samuel Mutemi (Chief),  AN other teacher.

.In attendance: Stephen Kameti and Gill Marshall-Andrews

School update:

There are 10 teachers – 6 from TSC (one more in January) , 4 BOM (parent funded).

School roll has increased:  107 in 2018, 134 in 2019 , 164 are expected in Jan 2020.

This has put pressure on classrooms.  One of the old rooms cannot accommodate 54 students in Form 1 so they are using the science lab.

Parents are building another classroom.

More boys are enrolling because of the girls dormitory.  In form 1 there are 34 girls and 19 boys.  There are 82 girls in the dormitory, 34 of them are in Form 1.

KCSE exams start next week and the candidates are working hard.  The target is mean score of 3.02 which would be a great improvement on 2018 score of 2.02.

Tree planting has come on apace.  1000 holes have been dug, there is an environment club who are responsible for watering and caring for the trees when then are planted.


The emergency staff house is a great asset as it enables two teachers to stay on site with the boarders.  The money TAS provided – 174k – was exceeded.  Parents paid an additional 144k.

The ASDF tank has had problems.  With heavy rain in April it worked well and the tank filled.  But it rained lightly in September and the original underground pipes from the gutters to the tank burst because the rain wasn’t heavy enough to push the water up into the tank!  Now new gutters have been fitted overground and it is hoped they will work.

In July the pump for the community borehole 1 km away broke.  The County Government have promised to repair it.  The school had been buying water ever since at 3000/- per day.   GMA asked for an estimate of the money the school has spent on water this year.

The vegetable garden has died.

Future projects:

Boys dormitory is top priority. 

A fence is now the second priority because the school has been gifted additional land that it wants to consolidate.  Also to protect the trees and for security.  The total fence line would now be 1500m.

A shade banda is very much needed too.  This could be converted to a workshop in due course with sewing machines and jewellery tools.

A DVD player is also requested to serve both teaching and extra curricular purposes.