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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting






Farhia Mahamud  BOM acting chair,  Peter Makau Mulwa  HT, Mercy Njeru,  book store/acting deputy HT,  J oseph Matoo  ICT and library teacher,  Ibrahim Barhu Parents’ rep,  Stephen Kameti  TAS/KWS, Gill Marshall-Andrews  TAS UK.

School update:

The banda that has been the subject of dispute for some months has now been repaired and looks good – except that there is sand on the floor rather than cement.

The fence is still in poor condition and not fit for purpose.

The school site was free of litter.

Some of the trees planted at the Conservation Day last year are alive but most are not.

The school community has clearly made an effort to improve the school site but there is still much to be done.


393 on roll – 200 boys and 193 girls.

145 ECD children – in 2 classes.

8 TSC teachers – 2 are female.

I male teacher employed by the BOM – for religious education.

2 teachers for ECD – one female employed by BOM and one male by the county.

Parents contribute water and wood for cooking the rice and beans provided by the government.

The school roll is growing consistently from 82 in Class 1 down to 27 in Class 8.


The banda is acceptable now so in principle the school can apply for further funding for new projects.

However, there are no children in the two dormitories TAS funded some time ago.  There are teachers staying in the dormitories.  The reason given was that there was insufficient water available for boarders.  The children who live too far away to walk to school every day are boarded out with local families.

GMA explained that this was unacceptable.  The buildings had been funded for children not teachers who were apparently staying there free of charge.

GMA explained that a solution had to be found by the school to enable children to return to the dormitories.  Until that time there would be no further projects funded.

The library is in a very poor condition and new books provided by the government are locked away.  The first project to be considered by TAS when the dormitory position is sorted out will be cupboards in the library.  This will enable the books to be accessed and cared for appropriately.