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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




28 FEBRUARY 2020


Vincent Juma  HT,  Ismail Solola Fodho  local trustee,  Abdillaih Bhoru Parent,  Stephen Kameti TAS/KWS,  Gill Marshall-Andrews TAS UK.

School update:

259 students on roll -162 boys and 97 girls.

Standard 8 exam entrants   21 – 16 boys and 10 girls.  All are expected to go on to secondary school under new government rules.

There is still significant drop out as students – particularly girls – get older but the chief is required to chase these up.  There are still girls at home who have not been registered at all.

 Attendance has been generally patchy due to the difficulty of getting across the river. 

 Boarders – 7 girls from the primary school and 15 from Kora Secondary.

27 boys are boarding. 

Staff houses

The staff houses have had some repairs done and do look a bit better.  However there is a major problem with the water supply.  The HT agreed that he would get an estimate to repair this and that teachers would then be asked to fund the work.  SK to monitor this.  Teachers will henceforth pay Kes 1k per room.  There is Kes 7k in the staff house account.  8 secondary teachers occupy the rooms along with 7/8 primary.


The Mkopa solar is working and will be used in two of the classrooms.

The government solar is not working as the batteries are defunct. This is common among all schools. The government has promised more batteries.

Mattresses would help to encourage more girls in school.  KES 40k would buy 20 mattresses which could be used predominantly for girls.

There is nowhere to store books in the classrooms so many are still in broken dirty boxes on the floor and many are being eaten by insects.

Cupboards would help with this and will be costed.