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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting



Note of a meeting at Kora Secondary School on

28 February 2020


Ismail Solola Fodho  BOM chair,  Joseph Mwani Depute Headteacher, Juma Vincent  Asako Primary School HT,  Stephen Kameti  TAS/KWS,  Gill Marshall-Andrews.TAS UK.

Apologies:  Victor Maina  HT

School update:

Numbers on roll 132 – in 2018 there were 15 students!

There are 32 in Form 4 the KCSE year.

Exam results for 2019 – the first year were:

Mean score  1.9,  12 boys and 3 girls.


CDF have built another 2 classrooms so there are now 6 with a laboratory promised.  As only 4 classrooms are needed currently one is being used as a staff room and another as a temporary laboratory. 

Parents have renovated a temporary building as an admin block for office space.   They have also funded 2 modern toilets for teachers.

The TAS funded desks and table and chairs are in use and greatly appreciated.

The school has planted around 200 trees in a block between the classrooms.  They are doing well because of the rain.

The kitchen TAS funded is not being used properly as the government provided jikos have not arrived.  They are expected any time.

Gutters and water tanks are not being provided on CDF buildings.  GMA will write to the MP about this.

The educational trip has not yet taken place.  Funds will be transferred for this when bank details are available.  SK to liaise with GMA.

Priority projects for funding

Girls dormitory – at present the girls share a dormitory with the Asako Primary school girls and this is not satisfactory.

Staff houses – at present teachers share rooms with Asako Primary School teachers which is not satisfactory.

The classrooms are untidy because there are no cupboards for books and equipment.  An application to TAS will be made.