Recent News 
(Click to view archive news)
Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





 Present on ZOOM:    Norma Empringham,  Lissa Campbell,   Guy Cowley,  Will Jones,  Tom Marshall-Andrews,  Gill Marshall-Andrews,  Johnnie Morris,  Luke Morris,  Ben Taylor,  Luke Morris.

In attendance:  Stephen Kameti

Apologies:    Douglas Pinto

1.   Minutes of the meeting  on 6 August 2020  were agreed.

2.  Kenya and Schools update:  

Stephen Kameti joined the meeting from Mwingi and presented his report which gives detail of the general situation in Kenya and the current school situation.

Briefly, the schools are partially re- opening this week for exam classes only ie Classes 4 and 8 in primary schools and Form 4 in secondary schools.

Where there has been a caretaker or teachers on site during the lockdown the buildings and compound  are in reasonable condition but where there has been no-one on site there has been some deterioration.  In Kaseluni where TAS has funded a tree caretaker the trees have done fairly well but in Jarajara where the Youth Training Service recruits who care for the trees have been absent, many of them have died.

The Waterloo Foundation grant of around £4k has been distributed to schools who applied for funding to support the re-opening and to encourage students who are not in class to engage in sports and extra curricular activities.  These funds will purchase sports, gardening and IT equipment, and also some motivational speakers.

The other projects that have been implemented during lockdown are:

Fences at Kora and Mitamysi Secondary Schools (completed)

2 bandas at Mitamysi ( awaiting roofing)

Refurbishment of 3 classrooms at Eburru Primary (expected to be completed by end of October).

3.  Charity Commission returns

Guy presented the draft Annual Report to the Charity Commission.  There is more detail this year of restricted/unrestricted funds and partner organisations ie Karui Ltd.  The draft was agreed.

4.  Karui Ltd

Douglas has been liaising with the accountant in Nairobi who is in the process of preparing non profit returns for Karui till end 2019.  He will report on progress shortly.

5.  Funding

The draft report to Property Race Day was presented and agreed.  GMA will send it when the bandas have been finished.  We don’t know yet if we will receive any funds this year.  GMA to report.

Tom Holroyd has indicated that he hopes to be able to send funds later this month.

Our marathon runner Fritha Dickie has said she would like to run next April 2021.

St James Place Foundation funds have been sent out to the Eburru Primary School Trust for the classroom re-furbishment.  When this project is complete we hope it may be possible to apply for further funding.


6.  Proposals for funding

Projects to the value of £18,690 were agreed of which £9400 come from PRD restricted funds .

7.  Possible new trustees

Kate Hallam’s CV was circulated and there was  enthusiastic agreement to a meeting with her – possibly a walk in Richmond Park.  GMA to arrange.

Sangdeep  Bakhshi , a colleague of Ben’s at E&Y has also expressed an interest in becoming a trustee/treasurer.  GMA will follow up.

8.   Meetings  and thanks

Thank you to Lissa for hosting the zoom meeting.

Next meeting will be at 6pm on Monday 7 December  2020.  This will probably be via Zoom.