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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




Present:  Dixon Mwanzia  Deputy HT, Samuel  Kalua  Class 5 teacher, Stephen Kameti TAS/KWS co-ordinator, Gill Marshall-Andrews  TAS UK

School update:

January 21  There were 272 students on roll (259 returned so far) .  All the absentees were girls, some of whom are pregnant.

Class 8 - 26  (26 boys and 10 girls).          

EDC:   57 childen in Asako, 70 in Pamba, 49 in Mansuguda, 52 in Boji.  All are under the supervision of Asako Primary.

Teachers:  8 TSC – all men.

BOM teachers 0.

Early Years in Asako  -PP1 and 2.  2 nursery teachers both men.

Staff houses:

Some of the occupants are paying rent and 15k has been collected.  This is available for repairs but so far has not been spent.

Water tanks:

The water tanks that were in place on last visit are all now stolen, unused or not connected to gutters.

Girls dormitory

This was in a poor state – rubbish, dirty, water wastage.

All the girls in residence are from Kora secondary school.  The parents of the primary school girls do not want to send their children to stay in the dormitory for as long as there are older girls in residence.


This was a disappointing visit.  The HT was not present, the classrooms were dirty and unkempt, the issue of maintenance of the staff houses is still not resolved, the girls dormitory is not  functioning as a useful facility for the school.

So the DHT has been told that no further funding will be available until these matters are sorted out.

Post meeting note:

At a meeting of the Kora Secondary School Trust it was suggested that they should take over the use and care of the dormitory and the staff houses.  This will be considered by community leaders.