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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported. With
Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village! Boka has grown
Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.
Minutes from Trustees Meeting
Evans, Solomon, Val, Jan
INFORMAL MEETING ON 18 JANUARY 2007 WITH EVANS AND SOLOMON VAL AND MYSELF (JAN). We went to take photos of bursary students and collect reports which still had not been sent to us . Thought I would update everyone.
- This resulted in us discussing the progress of each child. Existing Bursaries. Slightly worrying that we are providing fees for very low ability students. However, this year, admittance will be on merit. So the situation should change. Distressing details given by Evans of some of the bursary students’ lives.
- Bursaries for Junior School Children. Slight Snag. We stated that we would provide bursaries for the top child/children in 6 local primary schools. However at one school, which is very poor, (only one teacher, few facilities) the top child only obtained 1/3 of the total KPCE result. This means that we have to provide a bursary for a very low academic ability child. This was discussed with Solomon and Evans. It was agreed that they could do nothing about this for this year but if we repeated the Bursary next year, we would put a cut off point. However we said that if this child achieved these marks with hardly any teaching then may be they will shine at Secondary school.
- New students do not start until end of January.
- Teacher, female, has been appointed for Kiswahili and ? The mix they wanted. Therefore we now have 2 trust teachers again)
- Electricity is wired, just waiting for KP&L to connect and test.
- Tank, behind schedule, Lorries bringing materials kept getting stuck in mud. (still raining)
- Jennie, Yes, I think David has written to you they have set aside Tues 4, Wed,5 & Thurs. 6th Feb EVANS email is evans65m@yahoo .com I will see Jackson about flip charts But they are never certain when they will have a conference. This is hard to believe but is true. (Evans wants to take part as well.)
- Jennie, letter on the way to Langley Park, written by Evans and me.
- Gill have given trip money to Evans. They divided into” groups” not classes to do this so there is a cross section of children going on the trip
- Gill. Had long discussion with Solomon and Evans about motivation. They came up with ideas that are used across the country. I have suggested that they put a proposal to the trust to fund money for this project. (rewards and training)
- Gill Accounts will be with you next week.
- Gill Next Trust meeting will be arranged when they have electricity. This was at Evans request. ( I thin k they might have something special planned)
- Gill. Vire letter under separate email.
- Gill, Session with Norma. They will give dates , half term and school dates not set yet. Meeting next week. Evans will then send you half term or weekend dates for Easter dates for the Norma day. They had thought about topics. I do not know how you feel about the following. It was also asked where they could have it. They were quite keen that we could have it out of school. They said they would be prepared to come down here. Perhaps David could have some input here.
- Effective teaching methods
- Importance of extra curricula activities
- Professional conduct
- Punishment and reward in the “no cane” situation.
Jan |