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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Ismail Solola Fodho  BOM chair,  Victor Maina  Headteacher, Joseph Mwani Depute Headteacher, Stephen Kameti  TAS/KWS,  Gill Marshall-Andrews.TAS UK.

School update:

There are 29 on roll in Form 4 of whom 28 reported back in October when the school re-opened for exam classes only.  There were 2 girls transferring into Form 3.

Form 1 -42

Form 2 -29

Form 3 38,

Form  31 (2 additional)

On 4 Jan when the schools re-opened fully 80 students reported out of a total of 89.  All are accounted for and are being pursued. No pregnancies are reported.


6 TSC teachers, 2 female and 4 male.

3 BOM teachers with one more expected. I trainee teacher on work experience and no interns.

The KCSE curriculum is almost completed.


The fence is a huge success.  A source of great pride!

The trees have grown a lot since the fence and more are planned.

The lockers and cupboards are in use and help to keep the classrooms clean and tidy.

The COVID items – sanitisers,sanitary pads, handwashing stations, gardening and sports equipment are all in use. The TV has yet to be installed but this should happen next week.

The sports field has been cleared and now needs to be leveled.  Funds are in place for the PRD funded sports project.

CDF have given games uniforms and have promised a laboratory.


The borehole supply is sufficient.  There are no gutters on the CDF buildings but the school has guttering in this year’s budget.

Priority projects:

Girls dormitory, Boys dormitory, staff houses, Admin block, security box for TV.

There was a discussion about transferring the girls dormitory and staff houses in Asako Primary School to Kora Secondary School.  This will be discussed by the community leaders.