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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Peter Makau Mulwa  HT,  Stephen Kameti TAS/KWS co-ordinator, Gill Marshall-Andrews TAS UK.

Various BOM members joined the meeting at different times.k

School update:

Generally the school had the feel of better management than before.  Basically cleaner and well organised.  The HT very ‘on the ball’.

Poor rains in November / December meant poor harvest.

The government feeding programme is in place.  Between September and December food was provided for students to take home.  Since the start of Jan when school was fully opened they are feeding children at school.  Rice, beans, oil and salt at quantities recommended by WFP.

456 childfen on roll plus 160 in the two nursery classes.

27 students in Class 8, 13 boys and 14 girls.


Some of the trees planted last year have died but some have survived and are flourishing!

The HT’s performance contract requires him to plant 100 trees a year – mainly Neem.

School finance

The school receives 735/- for each student.  The budget is agreed with the Board of Management and allocated to vote heads:

repairs, watchman, ICT, science/Tech, infrastructure, power, water, conservation.

Exercise books and teachers materials are sourced from the School Institute Materials Bank account SIMBA.  Parents are asked to buy the exercise books.  They also buy uniforms and pay 200/- per year towards a teacher, firewood, water and exams.

Apparently the government pays for sports programmes although this is not clear in other schools.


The new Competence Based Curriculum was introduced in 2019.  Class 3 is assessed nationally and results are discussed with parents.  Parents can pay more to ‘motivate’ the teachers!!


8 TSC including the HT


2 ECD provided by the county.


All 4 tanks are connected to gutters and have some water still.  This is expected to run out soon so school will probably have to buy water before the rains.  GMA will investigate possibility of a large tank with ASDF.


The fence needs completely re-building.  It needs 150 concrete posts.  The school has purchased 40, parents have purchased 40 and they are asking for TAS to do another 40.  Each post costs 2000/- so cost of 40 = 80,000/- ie £600.

The government solar system is supposed to be repaired by the government.  The school would like 2 MKopa systems and more cupboards for the library.

400 story books are coming from KNLib and 100 desks have just been delivered.


The TAS built girls dormitory was very well cared for with 6 girls and a matron.  More girls are expected as the term progresses.  The water tank in the compound burst in the heat.  The school will apply to the Min of Education for a replacement.

The boys dormitory funded by CDF is still unfinished.