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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




 Present:    Norma Empringham, Sangdeep Bakhshi, Lissa Campbell,   Guy Cowley,  Will Jones, Tom Marshall-Andrews,  Gill Marshall-Andrews, Johnnie Morris,  Luke Morris,  Ben Taylor,

In attendance:  Stephen Kameti

Apologies:    Douglas Pinto

1.  Sangdeep Bakhshi was welcomed to the meeting as a new Trustee and future Treasurer.

2.   Minutes of the meeting on 7 December 2020  were agreed.


3.  School and country update 

GMA presented her report which gave an update on Kenya and the schools.  Stephen Kameti’s report was also welcomed.


4.  Karui Ltd

Douglas’s report on the Karui accounts was noted. 


5. Funding

We have received donations from PRD (£3375) and from Tom Holroyd (£12,500). 

GMA will follow up on several suggestions for future funding.


6.  Bank mandate change

Guy has received signed forms from Norma, Will, Lissa, Gill, Luke, Tom and himself.  Still to come are Douglas, Ben and Johnnie.  These will have to wait till Douglas’ return but there is no rush as Guy is not now planning to leave UK till 2022.  When the remaining forms are in place we will hope the bank will accept all 10 signatories and allow us to change the bank mandate to reduce the number of signatories to 5 ie Guy, Sangdeep, Douglas, Luke and GMA.


7.  Finance

Guy presented his report on current finances showing a balance of £27.9k of which around £9k is ring fenced for Mitamysi, £2700 for Loldia, and £16k is unrestricted.


The Karui balance is 1,250,000 Kes ie around £8600.  All is allocated to projects or schools.  Some projects have been delayed due to the pandemic and one in particular for Mitamysi (the sports project) is likely to come in much lower than anticipated.  The aggregated balance of funds for Mitamysi is thus increased by KES 375k to a total of  around £11,600. There was a discussion about whether to apply this to smaller projects in the PRD programme or wait till the next PRD payment which might bring in enough to fund the library.  It was agreed that we would make a decision when it is known if the PRD will run this year.


8. Proposals for funding

GMA presented a list of projects for funding.  The total sum agreed was £10,830.


9.  Next meeting

The next meeting was arranged for 6pm on Wednesday 12 May  2021 via Lissa’s zoom.  Thank you  Luke and Lissa for your hosting.