Present on ZOOM: Norma
Empringham, Lissa Campbell, Guy
Cowley, Douglas Pinto, Tom
Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews, Luke Morris, Ben Taylor,
Sangdeep Bakhshi
Apologies: Johnnie
Morris, Will Jones, Stephen Kameti
1. Sangdeep Bakhshi was welcomed to the
meeting as an observer and potential
Minutes of the meeting on 15 October
2020 were agreed.
3. Schools update
Stephen Kameti was sadly unable to join
the meeting on zoom as there was a power cut in Mwingi. GMA presented his report which gave an update
on the schools since they had partially opened in October.
4. Karui Ltd
Douglas updated trustees on the
situation with the Karui accounts.
Sangdeep agreed to help to ensure appropriate disclosure and wording
with regard to the ‘excess’ funds held by Karui as at the accounting date.
Luke reported on our meeting with the
PRD committee in which they confirmed that they will extend the support to
their current charities and may be able to offer some small funding
shortly. It’s not yet clear if they will
run the Race Day in 2021 but this should be decided soon.
We have heard nothing from other donors
yet but Fritha Dickie does plan to run the Marathon in April – if it goes
St James Place Foundation may be
approached again when their current project at Eburru Primary is completed.
6. Bank mandate change
As Guy is due to go to New Zealand for 2
months in Jan/Feb it was decided to change the bank mandate to allow Douglas to
become a signatory during this absence.
In the process of getting the forms etc it turns out that all 10 of the
current trustees are signatories. The
bank advised that we reduce the number to 5 ie Guy, Douglas, Ben, Luke and
GMA. Forms are being sent out to all
trustees to sign to enable this mandate change.
7. Finance
Guy presented his report on current
finances showing a balance of £11k of which around £8k is ring fenced for
Mitamysi and Loldia and £3k is unrestricted.
Proposals for funding
GMA presented a list of projects we hope
to fund in due course. It was agreed to
send £1500 for the Asako educational trip and (when the ring fenced money
arrives in the account from CAF bank) £1000 to Loldia for the salary of a
sports teacher.
meeting note:
It was agreed with Douglas and Guy that the Asako funds should be sent
to Karui early in January to ensure that they are received and spent in the
same accounting year. The Loldia
funds are sent direct to the Loldia
Trust bank account in Naivasha and do not go through Karui.
9. Possible new trustee
Sangdeep was thanked for his attendance
and left the meeting. Thereafter
trustees agreed that he should be invited to join TAS as a trustee in the first
instance, with a view to taking over as Treasurer when Guy finally emigrates to
New Zealand in late 2021. Guy would plan
to complete the year end returns and will hope to effect the transfer to
Sangdeep before he leaves.
10. Next meeting
The next meeting was arranged for 6pm on Tuesday 2 March 2021 via
zoom again. Thank you Lissa.