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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:  Kate Fjasted,  Ken( HR Assistant at GRVL), Alice Wanyara (Teacher), Gill Marshall-Andrews

Apoligies:  Crispin (HR manager from GRVL).

School update:

There are a total of 33 children in the school – 16 and the children of hotel staff and 17 are the children of staff in GP.

9 are in the playgroup, 13 are Pre Primary 1, 11 are Pre Primary2.

Agnes works with the playgroup and Alice takes the others in one class.

The school looked in good shape.  The rooms were clean and well ordered, the toilets clean and working, the books were properly stacked in cupboards, the outside play equipment was newly painted, and gutters connected to tanks.  The hotel is providing lunch and there had been a Christmas party sponsored by The Friends of Green Park who continue to provide long term sustainable support for the school.

The children were well disciplined and in class and having fun outside at break time.

No cases of COVID had been registered in the school or in the hotel.  Sanitisers were in class, the staff wore masks and everyone seemed in good spirits.


Kate reported that the bank account is inactive and needs 2 signatories to activate it. Both the other 2 signatories have moved away and it is now very difficult to manage.  We discussed and agreed that we would close the account and transfer the balance of KES 70K into Kate’s personal account where she would carefully monitor and account for expenditure.  As a trusted accountant she can be completely relied on to do this. 

The Future

TAS has a great deal to be proud of in relation to the Green Park School.  When we began to support it in 2006 it was nothing more than a few desks at the back of a ramshackle church building in the staff camp of the Great Rift Valley Lodge.  Over the years it has evolved into a successful nursery school with excellent building and strong support from the hotel and the local residents.  TAS involvement is only of marginal value now and as Kate Fjastad is now nearly 80 she feels we no longer need to be involved in its management or finances.  It was agreed with the teacher and the GRVL representative that we would spend the remaining balance of Kes 70k on a trip when COVID regulations allow and close the account in the New Year.