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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




17 JANUARY 2022

Present:   Mr Kariuki  Headteacher, Kara Hamblen Trustee, Gill Marshall-Andrews  TAS Secretary

Apoligies:  Nicole Church

School  update:

The HT announced that the school did well in the KCPE exams in November  2020 with a mean score of 222 as compared with 193 in 2019 and 190 in 2018.  This makes  it the most improved school in the county. The scores have been improving steadily for the last 12 years and the target for the next exams to be taken in March 2022 is 240.

There has been huge disruption in learning and exams in schools across Kenya over the last 2 years and this result is a tribute to the headteacher and staff. Further disruption is expected as the new Competency Based  Curriulum is introduced and the upper two classes of the primary school move to become  Junior High Schools attached to the secondary schools.  This will give the education system a 2 -6 -6 -4 structure.  2 pre school classes, 6 primary classes, 6 secondary classes and 4 years at university .

There are 600 students on roll at present with 16 TSC government teachers and 2 funded by the parents. An additional 54 early years children are also enrolled.

The government computers issued  after the last election are in use.  The school has a very good IT teacher who supervises their use in class and trains the staff.

Kara Hamblen attends the school and pre school weekly to tell stories and conduct English classes with the older students.

Priority projects.

The following were discussed:

1.      Upgrade the administration block which is in a very dipapidated state.  The new CBC will require extensive space for storage of student files and evidence of attainment.

2.      A kitchen.  At present there is nowhere to cook on site.  There is no lunch programme for children, no cooking space for teachers and nowhere to conduct the cooking element of the new curriculum. 

3.      Re-surface the courtyard which is very broken up and uneven.  When it rains it fills with mud which then gets trampled into the classrooms.

The school will discuss these and prepare proposals accordingly.