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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




14 FEBRUARY 2022


Daniel Mbiri Headteacher

Alex Muthari  Deputy Headteacher

Mutemi Mulwa  PTA chairman

Stephen Kameti  TAS

Gill Marshall-Andrews TAS UK.

School update:

The school looked wonderful.  The trees have  grown and there is a great feeling of a well managed happy establishment.  The children were excited and welcoming.

The school was closed for 10 months last year but the caretaker has kept the treed alive brilliantly.  The school hopes to continue with his salary although the allocated funds have run out.  GMA will investigate.

There are 166 children on roll - 87 boys and 79 girls.

Some dropped out last year due to the pandemic but also because some of the boys left to look for work in Boka.  The Chief is supposed to follow these children up and get them back into school but does nothing.  An Education Day is proposed to encourage parents to get their children back.

The number in Clsss is low which is a concern – probably due to families moving away during the pandemic.  They hope to recruit more students in April.

The new Competency Based Curriculum kicks in on a phased basis from April.  So too does the new arrangement for Junior High Schools.  The transition period is  complicated and the school is still not sure if they will have 8 or 9 classes on site.

The priorities for funding are

·         completion of the 2 classrooms which are only part funded

·        Girls dormitory

·        Study banda and store

·        Education Day in May 2022

The school has received 20 individual solar study lights for needy talented learners  from a charity Mama Leyla.  These were handed out to the selected children who signed a form agreeing to return the lights to school when they leave.  Much gratitude was expressed for this wonderful donation.

SK will follow up progress on this initiative and report back to Mama Leyla.