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Minutes from Trustees Meeting




15 FEBRUARY 2022

Present: Dennis Nzoka  Headteacher

Osman Saladho  Chair BOM

Idris Mohamed Tanna  BOM

Dickson Mwanzia Mutana  Deputy Head

Stephen Kameti TAS

Gill Marshall-Andrews  TAS UK.

School update:

The school compound looked in a much better state.

340 children are enrolled plus 183 in the Early Years PP1 and PP2.

There are 7 TSC teacher  and no extra teachers are paid for by the parents.

The teachers quarters have been partially repaired.  Teachers rent money is being collected and accounted for by the headteacher.  They pay 500 per month which is an increase in what was supposed to be paid before.

We discussed how to raise funds for further repairs to the inside of the buildings.  GMA suggested that a quote was acquired and that teachers should pay an additional monthly sum – say 1000 KES - to be matched by TAS until sufficient money was raised to complete the work.

The other priority for funding is the refurbishment of 5 classrooms which are in a deplorable state.  The school has repaired one classroom to show commitment and hopes that TAS can do the other five.

GMA stressed that she was willing to discuss further funding now on a matched basis with the school and parents. She explained that TAS will be winding down soon and so for sustainability reasons  its important for the parents to start contributing.

This is a difficult concept for the community who do not have a culture of commitment to education for their children.