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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




15 FEBRUARY 2022


Peter Makau  Headteacher

Mercy Njeru  Deputy Headteacher

Stephen Kameti TAS

Gill Marshall-Andrews  TAS UK

School update:

The school looked in good shape except for the fence!  Still waiting for the new one to be started by the school and the parents. (TAS has agreed to support it once others have begun).

There are 649 children on  roll – exactly half are girls.

Of the current KCPE candidates, 21 are girls and 14 boys.  This is extraordinary given that when we started working there no girls had continued in school long enough to take the exam.  It seems that the government Back to School initiative conducted by the chief and the headteacher has paid off.  More girls enrolled but also sadly more boys left the area to look for jobs during the pandemic when schools were closed. 

This is clearly a very successful headteacher – committed and respected by this fractured community.  He does not come from the area so that helps.

The priority project for the school is solar lighting for the admin block.  This will transform the teachers’ lives as they are currently not able to work after dark.

Exam results:

2020 Mean Score  212

2020  MS 241

2022d MS target 250 (candidates)  Exam to be taken in March 2022.

The school starts a new year in April and expects to recruit 2 streams in Class 1. 

The government also wants the HT to help set up a new secondary school nearby called Abagala Secondary School. He will be the Acting Principal initially. This is undoubtedly on the back of the success of the primary school under the his  leadership.  The new school will have 4 classrooms and latrines by April.

40 Mama Leyla solar lights had been donated to the school via TAS and these were handed out – on loan – to 5 needy  and talented students from the 4 top classes.  Photos of this event will be forwarded to Mama Leyla.