Recent News 
(Click to view archive news)
Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting




 Present:   Sangdeep Bakhshi,  Norma Empringham (joined late),  Douglas Pinto, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Gill Marshall-Andrews,  Luke Morris, 

Will Jones, Johnnie Morris.

Apologies: Lissa Campbell,  Ben Taylor, 

In attendance:  Stephen Kameti

1.  In Norma’s absence GMA was asked to assume the Chair.

2  Minutes of the meeting on 29 November 2021 were agreed.


3.  School and country update 

Stephen Kameti and GMA presented his report which gave an update on Kenya and the schools. 

Key points  concerned:

 Mitamysi Secondary School where the Principal has been transferred following a boycott by  students amid a breakdown of relations with the parents and the wider community.  A new Principal has been appointed but was ill at the end of last term so little progress has been made with establishing a new regime in the school.  The new term starts at the end of April and Stephen will keep us updated on progress including anything we might be able to do to encourage students back to school.


Asako Primary where there is a new Principal who has started well by establishing a proper maintenance fund for the teachers houses.  He has already done some improvements in these deteriorating buildings and the classrooms.  TAS is offering to consider matched funding to continue these improvements.


Kora Secondary school which is growing fast.  TAS is funding a new library which is under way now and should be completed at the end of the month.  There is also a funder who wants to fund a well/borehole around Kora in memory of her husband.  A hydrological survey has been conducted and identified a site for the borehole and an estimate of £8k for the construction/drilling.


Mama Leyla is a Kenyan charity making individual solar lamps for students in remote areas where there is no power.  They have generously donated 40 such lamps to TAS and we have given 20 to each of two primary schools – Boka and Kaseluni.   The schools have loaned them out to needy, committed children on a contract basis to be returned in good order when they leave the school.


3. Property Race Day

At a meeting with the PRD committee we were assured that they will continue their support for existing charities and will not be taking on any others.  They expect to hold the event in July 2022 and hope that this will be a bumper year with significant funding to distribute in the autumn. They have asked us to find some auction prizes.  Everyone will consider what we could offer.  Will and Gill specially to follow this up.


4.  Finance and Bank

Sangdeep presented his report on current finances showing a balance of £23k  of which around £9k is ring fenced for Mitamysi, £10k for Stephen Kameti.  Around £4k is unrestricted.  A further sum of around £3750 will be claimed shortly in Gift Aid . So the unrestricted sum available now is around £7k.




GAWPT will contribute around £6k for 2 small projects in Boka and Asako.  This is to satisfy the Trust’s need to address outreach work around Kora National Park.

The problems with Barclays Bank Mandate Change Team continue.  Sangdeep will continue to progress this!

GMA has written to some long term donors notifying them of the likely winding down of TAS towards 2024 and suggesting that if they thought of further donations, now would be a good time!  The £15k funding for the Kora library was a result of one such letter.

Sangdeep outlined the options for a replacement vehicle for Virgin Money Giving which has closed down.  It was agreed that at the moment all we need is for the website to have a clear pathway for donations ie bank details.


5.  Proposals for funding

It was agreed to send funds to complete the Kaseluni classrooms (£4k) and to send the GAWPT funds for Boka and Asako when they arrive.  The borehole funds will also be sent if /when they arrive.


6.  Farewell to Guy

Trustees agreed to remove Guy Cowley from the Board of Trustees now he has settled in New Zealand.

Trustees expressed their gratitude to Guy for his 10 years of committed support for TAS. 


7.   Next meeting

The next meeting will be on Tuesday  13 September 2022, hopefully at E&Y.  Thank you Sangdeep for arranging a room for today which was not in the end used as most trustees preferred to attend by zoom.

We hope the next meeting will be face to face!