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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Present:   Sangdeep Bakhshi,  Ben Taylor, Luke Morris , Tom Marshall-Andrews,   Johnnie Morris,  Douglas Pinto,  Gill Marshall-Andrews,   Norma Empringham  (on zoom)

Apologies:  Will Jones,  Lissa Campbell

Invited but no connection - Stephen Kameti

1.Minutes of the meeting on 13 September 2022 were agreed.


2. Matters arising  -  GAWPT will continue Tony Fitzjohn’s work in Kora National Park  and are likely to continue to need the services of Stephen Kameti to deliver their outreach work.


3.  School and country update 

GMA presented Stephen’s  reports  which gave an update on Kenya and the schools. 


Key points  concerned:

 Mitamysi Secondary School  started back at the end of lockdown with a full class 9  of 40 students.  In January the school is expected to receive 2 younger classes (Years 7 and 8)  as part of the implementation of the new  2-6-6 curriculum.  This should mean that the number on roll in January will be around 130 with an expected full roll of around 250 by 2024.

Asako Primary  The new borehole for Kora Secondary School has now been located in the Primary School compound.  This means that both schools will have access to good quality water.  The donor has just funded the solar pump that will pump water from Asako to Kora Sec and the additional piping is being funded through a saving in the drilling cost.

Now they need help to improve the fence so that trees and a garden can be planted.

Kaseluni Primary    The girls dormitory is nearly finished and just needs bunk beds.

Boka Primary  The exams have just started and the school has become a regional centre.  TAS has funded subsistence costs for visiting candidates.

Jarajara Primary   The washrooms and toilet block are almost finished.

El Rar Prinary  It is expected that there will be a new headteacher in January.


4.  Banking and accounts   Sangdeep has filed the Annual Return.  He presented the accounts which showed a balance of £38k in the UK account. 

Douglas suggested that we gradually close the Karui sub accounts starting with those that do not have an active secretary ie Boka,  or where the secretary has been having problems with  the account ie Mitamysi.

 Sangdeep reported that World First no longer are able to offer transfer facilities to TAS so he has set up alternative facilities with XE and GoodFX,

5.  Proposals for funding

It was agreed to send funds for bunk beds for the dormitory at Kaseluni when we have an updated proposal and quote.  Also agreed were Solar pump for Kora borehole,  fencing for Asako,  Study banda for El Rar,


6.   Next meeting

The next meeting to be arranged hopefully in March 2023.  Also to be discussed was a visit for trustees to schools in September 2023.