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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting






in person:   Luke Morris, Will Jones,  Gill Marshall-Andrews

On line:  Sangdeep Bakhshi,  Tom Marshall-Andrews,   Johnnie Morris,  Douglas Pinto,  Norma Empringham,  Lissa Campbell,  Stephen Kameti.

Apologies:  Ben Taylor

1.Minutes of the meeting on 21 November 2022 were agreed.


2. Matters arising 

GAWPT’s work in Kora National Park is continuing  at pace.   Lucy Fitzjohn and her son Mukka are leading on this and working with Stephen Kameti,  the Kenya Wildlife Service,  County and National governments to build up the infrastructure in the park,  particularly around Kampi y Simba.  This will be GAWPT’s base for the foreseeable future.


3.  School and country update 

GMA and Stephen presented Stephen’s  report  which gave an update on Kenya and the schools.  The drought throughout Kenya is awful with consequences for children’s education and families’ survival.  Everyone is hoping for a return of El Nino next month.

The introduction of the new  CBC (Competency Based Curriculum)  has been chaotic.  The first Junior Secondary class 7 was to have been located in secondary schools but quite suddenly this changed to primary schools.  So primary schools are struggling with a new curriculum, crowded classrooms and an injection of secondary trained teachers.  Future arrangements are unclear.


Key points  concerned:

 Mitamysi Secondary School  The school is progressing well now with two full classes in Years 9 and 10.  The number on roll is now around 80 and recruitment is ongoing.    The school management seems fairly stable.  Funding for an educational trip and a library can now be re-started.


Asako Primary  The new borehole for Kora Secondary School has now been located in the Primary School compound and the solar pump is operational.   Piping to the secondary school has been installed and a tank and piping for the primary school will shortly be in place.  This means that both schools will have access to good quality water.   Asako’s new fence is excellent, and trees and a garden are already being planted.

Kora Secondary School is taking the lead in planning a regional debating competition centred on conservation.  It is hoped this will encourage an awareness of the National Park and GAWPT’s conservation work.

Kaseluni Primary    The girls dormitory is finished and bunk beds for 80 students are in place..  Solar lighting is the next project.

Boka Primary  The excellent  headteacher is now in charge of setting up a new secondary school nearby.  Solar power to the staff area is the next project.

El Rar Primary  This school remains a real challenge.  Several motivational projects have been discussed eg holding a monthly ‘party’ for students who attend regularly.  Also a printer which can be hired out to the local community thus making money to buy cartridges and encouraging parents into the school.





4.  Banking and accounts   Sangdeep  presented the accounts which showed a balance of £101k in the UK account.  Of this only £18 is unrestricted.

Sangdeep reported that we are still able to transfer funds via World First at the moment but he is still looking  at alternative agencies eg XE and GoodFX. 

At Douglas’ suggestion we are progressively closing the sub accounts at Karui Ltd in Nairobi.  This will leave all funding coming through the main account being initiated by Douglas and approved by GMA.


5.  Proposals for funding

It was agreed that we re-start funding for Mitamysi with the library and a trip.  Also agreed were some small initiatives at El Rar to encourage enrolment and attendance.  The funds sent for a banda after the last meeting will be re-directed to these projects.

Two donors are considering projects at Eburru Primary  (water tank )and El Rar Primary (borehole).  When/if these funds arrive they will be sent out straight away.


6.  Possible trustees visit to schools

It was agreed that the timing for this proposed visit be changed to Jan/Feb 2024.  Will has negotiated an amazing  deal with Elsa’s Kopje the luxury lodge in Meru National Park for a grand finale to the trip!  Transport and other arrangements will be handled by Stephen and Gill so the total cost shouldn’t be too high.  More detail to follow.


7.  AOB

There was a discussion about a new enterprise using waste plastic to make bricks.  GMA will investigate this in the light of the horrific littering in Boka.


8.   Next meeting  27 June 2023.

The next meeting  will be on Tuesday 27 June to coincide with Stephen’s visit to UK.   Venue to be decided  - maybe at the Conduit Club with a dinner afterwards to welcome Stephen. 

Please keep this date free.  More details to follow.