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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting






Norma Empringham, Ben Taylor, Sangdeep Bakhshi,  Lissa Campbell, Tom Marshall-Andrews,  Douglas Pinto,  Johnnie Morris, Gill Marshall-Andrews

Apologies:  Will Jones, Luke Morris

In attendance:  Stephen Kameti

1..  Minutes of the meeting on 27 June  2023 were agreed.


2.  School update 

Stephen presented his report  giving  an update on Kenya and the schools. 

Of special note were:


El Rar Primary

The new borehole which is yielding a good quanitity of water but not of a potable quality.  However the water can be used for washing, cleaning, cooking and watering trees and vegetables.  Drinking water can be captured by 3 x 10k litre tanks and renewed guttering.  It is expected that El Nino rains will be sufficient  to fill the tanks and that it will last if it’ only used for drinking.  SK will check the guttering etc.  Are properly in place.

SK reported that there is a possibility the borehole water quality may improve as more is drawn but LC was sceptical about this.

GMA will send the water report to LC.

The recruitment programme of sports and goat lunches seems to be working.  Also the Ministry of Education is organising an Education Day to reach out to the elders of the community with the message that children must attend school and parents will be fined if this doesn’t happen.


Mitamysi Secondary School is thriving .  It is expected that over 100 students will be enrolled by January 24.  The headteacher will be moving on.  The library is completed and in use.  The dining hall is expected to be finished in 2/3 weeks.  Funding is in place for the remaining projects funded by PRD which should be completed by mid summer 2024.


3.  Working with GAWPT

Stephen outlined the outreach work being undertaken by GAWPT including a new kitchen in Kamaguru Primary  School which is the only remaining primary school not being supported by TAS on the eastern side of Kora NP.

The conservation debate took place in July and was attended by  HE Stephen Kalonzo Musyoko, former Vice President.  The debate motion in support of conservation was won narrowly – and it is recognised that future debates need to ensure that the result is not anti-conservation!

SK is now funded by GAWPT and is continuing to support the TAS schools until the funds are spent.  He has undertaken to produce figures for student retention as there is some indication that girls may still be leaving school before their exams.

GMA has worked with Lucy Fitzjohn on an application to PRD for funding for their outreach work in new schools in the area.



4.  Banking and accounts  

Sangdeep  presented the accounts which showed a balance of £60k in the UK account.  Of this only around £19k is  unrestricted.   The audit and submission to the CC is complete.  Thank you Sangdeep.


It is probable that there will be a surplus of PRD funding when all the agreed projects are completed.  It was agreed that we would then apply to the PRD committee to vire the remaining funds into other projects in other schools.  Bandas were mentioned as possible ‘legacy’  projects since they have been a unique development by TAS and are relatively cheap.


5.  Proposals for funding

Proposals were considered and agreed.  Funding of £8388 will be sent to Karui for library furniture etc, and another educational trip for Mitamysi,  and the solar pump for El Rar. Douglas is happy to continue to send funds via Barclays and to initiate payments to contractors as required.


6. Party and visit

GMA suggested that we might consider a party of some sort next June when TAS is being wound down and maybe a pictorial book of some sort for each trustee as a reminder of what has been achieved.   She also offered trustees the opportunity to visit schools in early February.  DP expressed an interest and will contact Gill directly.


7.   Next meeting  to be arranged in March 2024.