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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting





Norma Empringham, Ben Taylor, Sangdeep Bakhshi,  Lissa Campbell, Tom Marshall-Andrews, Will Jones,  Luke Morris , Gill Marshall-Andrews,

Apologies:  Douglas Pinto, Johnnie Morris.

1..  Minutes of the meeting on 23 October 2023 were agreed.


2.  School update 

Stephen Kameti’s report was presented by GMA.


3.  Treasurer update

Funds are being wound down and it is hoped that the projects funded today will leave only enough in the UK account to complete the remaining Mitamysi projects with a sum for a project in Eburru and a small contingency.  Huge variations in exchange rates have made the budgeting process very difficult.

The closure of the UK account is likely to be a complicated process, given our experience with Barclays Bank. 

The closing of the charity will probably need documents to be signed by all trustees so maybe we should get together just before the party to get this done.


4..  Proposals for funding

Proposals were considered and agreed.  Funding of KES 2,086,000 (around £12, 290) will be sent to Karui for projects in Mitamysi, Kaseluni, Jarajara, Kora Sec, and Boka. 

Projects totalling KES 1,124,000 (around £6800) in Asako and Kaseluni will be paid from existing funds in Karui.


5.  Mitamysi Applied Learning Centre

There has so far been no detailed proposal for this but it was agreed that the school might consider one of the skills to be taught to be the making of Afripads.  Trustees felt that this would be helpful for the girls in the school and for women in the wider community.


6. Party

It was agreed that we should hold a farewell party on Thursday 12 September 2024 and invite all past and present trustees and donors along with their spouses.

Stephen Kameti should be invited to make a presentation and we should try to get a photobook done for each trustee.

Ben and Sangdeep offered to explore EY as a venue for the party.  Luke offered to explore Fladgate and Gill will get a quote from the Conduit club. 


7.  Farewell party 12 September 2024.  Save the date!!

Arrangements to be made by email.