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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
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Boka Pimary School children clean up!
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Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Lissa Campbell, Juma Ali Dido, Mike Harries, Kulisa Shora Dirkicha.



Present:  Lissa Campbell - LC
  Juma Ali Dido - JAD
       Mike Harris - MH
       Kulisa Shora Dirkicha - KSD
       Guyo – Deputy Headmaster, standing in for the Headmaster

Apologies:  Anthony Gross
  Tony Fitzjohn
  Kenneth Jinoh Bonaya
  Ismail Fodha
  Gill Marshall-Andrews

1. The Minutes 10th January 2007 were tabled and passed. 

2. Matters Arising:

a) It was noted that including the samples the school has 91 desks, 11 chairs and tables.

b) It was noted that a new pre-primary school had been built in December, near to the main school, by the school committee.

c) Guyo produced the contracts for the teachers and MH photographed them for our records.

d) Juma had received the cheque book and 2 cheques were signed for the teacher salaries for March and April, each one for Ksh 31,000.  Juma asked for a receipt book.  LC to obtain.

e) Comms – MH is still pursuing getting a licence for the radio.

f) Windpump - Anthony Gross had a very good meeting with Mr Kipngetich, the KWS Director on Tuesday 14 March and they are back on side. Mr Kipngetich is going to draw up an MOU and they have agreed to transport the windmill up to Asako. This is planned for week of 19th March.

g) Due to the absence of the Headmaster there was no progress report on girl child education or on the 2 new teachers but it was felt that the 2 new teachers were doing very well and were liked by the children, especially the girls.  LC later talked to some of the children regarding this.

3. The attendance record of children and teachers was discussed. 

a) The girl child attendance has improved from 58 in Aug and 56 in Nov up to 71 in Feb. The total child attendance record has increased from 175 (Sept-Nov) up to 212 in Feb.

b) A new government teacher joined the school in December so there are no 5 government teachers, 2 sponsored by TAS and 2 pre-primary.  1 teacher is away each month for around a week to collect their wages

c) The new teacher, Nuru Mohamed, had her baby on 14 Feb and returned to work on 12 March.

4. Funding Proposals

* These were put forward as follows and the forms will be faxed to Gill for approval by the TAS Committee:

a) Sponsor for higher education for the 3 top children in the school.
b) Lockable storage. JAD to email/fax quote for this to LC.  It was noted that there was one large cupboard in the Headmaster’s office in good repair though in need of termite treatment.
c) Fuel efficient cooker – GMA to provide quote for this.
d) Further training of teachers – quote and more information needed for this.
e) Guttering for rainwater catchment. MH to provide quote and more details.

* Funding for staff accommodation was discussed. JAD and Guyo to draw up a plan of exactly what is required ready for the next meeting. This can then be submitted to Ministry of Works and their plan can then be used to get tenders.

* The pre-primary teachers had asked for learning materials and it was requested they fill in the appropriate form.

* The community had requested that TAS pay for the whole salary of the pre-primary teachers. It was agreed that if there was a very real need they write a letter to this effect but it was thought that since the cost worked out as ksh20/-per child per month they should be able to cover this.

* Funding was also requested for general repairs of the school such as classroom doors and windows and flooring for the pre-school. Again more details and costs were requested.

* School fence was discussed.  No estimates had been provided but it was felt that it would be extremely expensive and potentially inappropriate.  An estimate to be provided for next meeting and to be discussed further then.

5. AOB
* MH had brought with him Baptiste, a Masters student, to help with measuring exactly the distance from the well to the school and to KWS for the piping. He also measured the school buildings for the guttering.

6. The meeting ended at 3.00p.m. and the next meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, 22nd May 2007 at Asako Primary School.