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Borehole for El Rar Primary School
This is one of the most challenging schools TAS has supported.  With ....(read more)

Boka Pimary School children clean up!
Boka children have been cleaning up their village!  Boka has grown ....(read more)

Food for exam candidates
Boka Primary School is now designated a regional hub for examinations.  ....(read more)

Minutes from Trustees Meeting

Gill Marshall-Andrews – GMA Tony Fitzjohn - TF Lissa Campbell - LC Juma Ali Dido - JAD Mike Harris - MH Kulisa Shora Dirkicha - KSD Guyo Hussein Hamis – GH Bakari Ali Komora - BK



Present:  Gill Marshall-Andrews – GMA
  Tony Fitzjohn - TF
        Lissa Campbell - LC
  Juma Ali Dido - JAD
        Mike Harris - MH
        Kulisa Shora Dirkicha - KSD
        Guyo Hussein Hamis – GH
        Bakari Ali Komora - BK
  Mark Cheriuyot (KWS) - MC

Apologies:  Anthony Gross
  Kenneth Jinoh Bonaya
  Ismail Fodha
1. The Minutes 14th March 2007 were tabled and passed. 

2. Matters Arising:
a) A receipt book was given to Juma.
b) Comms – it was decided that getting a licence for the radio was too difficult to procure so approaches would be made again to Celtel (GMA and LC) and Safaricom (TF to Michael Joseph)
c) TF said he hoped to bring solar panels, frames, batteries, wiring and energy saving bulbs for lighting for night study on 4 June. MH to send someone to assist him.
d) Security at the school was discussed after maps were found in a staff room and not on classroom walls due apparently to break-ins. JAD and BK said that there was a night watchman who alternated with the cook. The classroom doors were examined and are of poor quality and the hinges are coming away. Termites have eaten the frames away. TF to bring up wood, nails, screws, hinges and padlocks on 4 June.

3. The attendance record of staff was discussed.  It was found highly unsatisfactory that staff were absent for several days every month to collect their wages.
* MC said KWS could help with transport for staff to collect wages to minimise time away.
* BK said he had a bank account and his salary was paid direct into it. This was discussed and the other staff said they would consider doing this.

4. Funding Proposals
* These were discussed as follows and GMA will put them forward for approval by the TAS Committee:
a) Lockable storage.
b) Staff accommodation for 8 teachers. MC to assist with the quote and will email it to GMA. The community must contribute the labour. KWS would provide a tractor to help.
c) Fuel efficient cooker. Wood that is used in 3 months time lasts for 3 years. Details were given to JAD to follow up and email us in next 2 weeks. Community to build secure kitchen with cement floor to house 2 cookers. JAD to discuss with community. 
d) Further training of teachers. BK said the government does provide some seminars and it is up to the individual to apply during their holiday time. GMA said TAS would consider funding training if individuals present a plan of the course, costs etc. BK said he has applied for a course on special needs in Uganda and will give details soon.
e) The quotes for the learning materials for the pre-primary school were considered. Bare Hussain and JAD to send through revised quote.
f) After the meeting Bare Hussain asked if the pre-primary teachers could have a pay-rise in line with the teachers funded by TAS after 6 months. LC and GMA discussed this and agreed to this.

5. Medical Issues
* GMA said TAS had discussed whether TAS should get involved with medical issues and had decided it was outside their remit. LC said she had discussed the girl with a clubfoot with a doctor and the risk of post-operative infection was extremely high and the doctor had advised against intervention at such a late stage. TF had also contacted a doctor who agreed saying that such an operation should be done at birth.

6. Finances
* 4 Cheques were signed for teachers salaries for May till August
* Due to the continued absence of the Headmaster it was not possible to discuss the government funding for 2006-2007.
7. AOB
* BK was voted onto the Board of Trustees.
* MH said the windmill had been delivered by KWS. MC said KWS would use a tractor and trailer to bring in rocks and would bring a cement mixer on Monday. More culverts would also be delivered on Monday.  It was agreed that no more money was available for the digging of wells-this was the community contribution.

8. Actions. The following to be made available for the next meeting:
* Register of pupils and their ages
* Up to date attendance records of pupils and staff
* Inventory of all assets. E.g. desks, tables, chairs, books, maps, games etc
* Copy of school development plan
* School accounts for both the SIMBA and GPA accounts

9. The meeting ended at 3.00p.m. and the next meeting was scheduled for Monday 10 September 2007 at Asako Primary School.  It is hoped that MC will attend future meetings. BK will also ask the District Education Officer in Hola to attend the next meeting. LC to try to arrange meeting with the MP and GMA.